Chapter 2

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Nathalie's POV:

It's the morning of the Adrian's first day of at his new school.

The young boy anxiously taps his fingers on his knees as he scans the sprawling city beyond the shaded windows of the town car we are currently in.

Gorilla, the Agreste's bodyguard, takes the last turn on the route to the school.

"Are you excited?" I ask turning my head to my left, looking at Adrian.

He nods and turns to me biting his lower lip.

"I am. But....what if I don't fit in?" He asks lowers his gaze to his tapping fingers.

I don't blame him for being nervous. He's hasn't been to public school since....well since Emilie.

I put a hand in his shoulder as he looks at me again, green eyes wide and full of every emotion.

"Oh kid....I know this is a lot, but you will fit in and find many friends. Anyone would be lucky to know you okay?" I say, a reassuring smile spreading across my pink lips.

He blinks a few times and shakes his head as if brushing off his worries.

"Your- your right. It'll be different for sure, but also fun!" He says, that happy smile I know and love growing on his face.

"Definitely." I say nodding in agreement.

Gorilla grunts as we pull to a stop outside the fancy school. It's a tall tan stone building, with massive pillars the same color. Large streps warp around the front doors leading inside, where beyond I can see a massive foyer full of plants and comfy chairs.

At least 50 kids crowd the steps, all separated into groups, some large, some small. I then see a blonde ponytail flying in the wind as Chloé Bourgeois runs over dragging a tall girl, with blue black colored pigs tails, behind her.

Adrian smiles wide as he sees his old friend Chloé, he quickly hugs me, leaning backwards.

"I owe you one Nathalie." He says as he squeezes me once then lets go, running out of the car while gripping his black backpack.

"Chloé!" He says and practically jumps into her open arms.

The girl with blue/black hair almost the shade of my own hair there while gazing at Adrian in a such an adorable way.

Adrian pulls back from Chloé, and waves hello to the tall girl. She waves back blushing a tad.

Oh they're cute. I think to myself smiling.

"Alright let's head home." I say and shut the open car door as Gorilla sets the car back in motion.

The last thing I see before the school disappears from sight, is Adrian sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as he talks to the pigtail girl.

Arriving back at the Agreste mansion I exit the town car and thank Gorilla as he goes off to park around the back. He grunts his response what I'm assuming was a 'your welcome'.

The tall and muscularly wide bodyguard has always been incredibly nice to me, we obviously don't talk much. But we have sat in comfortable silence many times, I like those moments. They're about the only calm moments my day holds.

I walk up and inside the large house heading straight to the kitchen. With Adrian having to be somewhere now in the mornings I have no time to eat breakfast anymore.

Opening the swinging doors to the white, and grey kitchen, I practically cry at the sight of the household chefs left over muffins, from this mornings breakfast.

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