Chapter 17

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Nathalie's POV:

After greeting the last guest I sigh, running a hand over my hair that I thankfully had time to fix earlier. For once in public, I have my hair down, it's neatly curled into long soft waves that flow down my back. It feels good to have it down.

Turning around I find Gabriel has left my side, probably whisked off to some business talk with board members. Scanning the party I spot Penny and Caline laughing together in the corner, I quickly make my way to them.

Penny spots me first, the most massive smile spreading across her beautiful dark skin.


Caline turns around a smile also across her face.

"Oh it's so good to see you!" Caline says wrapping me in a quick hug as I reach them. Penny joins in and we enjoy the embrace for a few moments.

Penny and Caline have always been there for me. We have been friends for years, I met penny when Jagged, her boss/boyfriend, needed an Agreste costume for an upcoming tour. Caline and I met a few years later when we ran into each other at a coffee shop both spilling our coffee over our clothes. We both apologized, laughing, and offered to buy each other another cup.

Pulling from the tight hug I smile at my two closest friends.

"It's good to see you guys too. I'm still sorry about missing that dinner, we should plan another one soon."

"Why did you miss that dinner exactly? I know it was work but what happened...?" Penny asks crossing her arms clearly still upset I missed it.

"Gabriel lost a few important papers that needed to go out the next day. And since I don't work Sundays it was my only chance." I sigh.

"Oh don't worry about it, penny stop pestering her." Caline says giving me a warm reassuring smile.

"I'm not pestering! I'm just curious on why the next day someone showed me a picture of you and Gabriel at dinner."

I blush sheepishly giving them an awkward smile and shrug of my shoulders. I should tell them about the news, they would both be overjoyed since they have known I've had feelings for Gabriel for forever.

"Omg no way?! Gabriel took you out?!" Caline says loudly.

"Shhhh!" I say looking around to make sure no one heard her, thankfully the room is too loud with chatter for anyone to listen in.

"Oh sorry." She says smiling awkwardly while covering her mouth with a hand.

"Sooo Nath you have to explain." Penny says taking a glass of champagne from a nearby waiter, taking a large sip.

"Alright alright, well if you must know...."

I tell them the whole story in hushed whispers, there eyes widening when I tell them we're actually together right now.

"Your serious! The man you have been pining after for what, 20 years, finally got over himself and saw you." Penny says shocked.

I cross my arms shrugging my shoulders again, a small smile across my lips.

"I guess so."

"Well we're both happy for you Nath. You deserve it." Caline says grabbing my shoulder, squeezing it.

"Thank you. But enough about me, tell me whats going on with you two." I say also grabbing a flute of champagne.

We spend the next half hour chatting about everything and everyone. I found out things between Jagged and Penny are getting pretty serious, they even  just moved in together. Caline and her wife have been thinking about having a baby together, and are trying to decide whether they want IVF or adoption.

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