Chapter 4

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Nathalie's POV:

Once inside the bakery I take a few deep breaths trying to calm down my racing heart and breath.

What was that out there...?

Before I can ponder on what the fuck happened between me and Gabriel, Adrian rushes over to me dragging Mari with him.

The girl is his age and has the prettiest bluebell eyes, few freckles scatter her pale doll like skin, her silky dark hair is pulled into two pigtails tied with pink hair ties.

Stopping in front of me Adrian speaks.

"Nathalie id like you too meet Mari, she's my uh well you know." He says blushing at the last part.

I smile and turn to look at the girl Adrian is so fond of.

"Hi Mari, It's nice to finally meet you." I say holding out my hand, she happily shakes it smiling.

"You too! Adrian has told me all about you."

"All good things I hope?" I ask raising a brow.

"There are only ever good things about you." Adrian says smiling.

I smile back, but the room becomes colder as Gabriel enters behind me.

"Father! Meet my uh-friend Marinette or Mari."

Gabriel's stalks up next to me our shoulders brushing as he stops.

"Nice to meet you Marinette." Gabriel says as he reaches his hand out also.

Mari or Marinette shakes it.

"You too Mr.Agreste."

Before things can drop into awkward silence Marinette speaks up.

"Why don't you all order?"

Adrian agrees and they rush up to the counter trying to figure out what Adrian should get. Leaving me with the one person I don't want to face right now.

I'm embarrassed to say the least. He was doing something nice and I'm sure meaningless and I was blushing like a strawberry. I told myself I would never feel that way about him again and I'm determined to keep it that way.

Why does he make it so hard though?

"I apologize if I over stepped."

I turn to face Gabriel shocked by his sincere words. He hasn't said anything like that to me in a long time.

"Don't apologize sir you didn't. I was just uh surprised." I reply and lift the corners of my mouth into a small reassuring smile.

"Well then, we should get what we came for." He says striding for the counter, me following after him.

As we arrive Adrian orders a chocolate cupcake and raspberry frosting, his favorite. Marinette then grabs Adrian by the hand and says to all of us.

"Tell my mom, Sabine, the order and we'll go make it for you!" She then drags the blushing Adrian behind the wall leading to what must be the kitchen.

Sabine walks around from the kitchen and smiles at us.

"Hi what can I get for you two?"

I look at the menu and gosh there is too many options for me to chose from.

"Ummm I'll have a slice of the chocolate cake, and he will have a slice of lemon cake." I say pointing to Gabriel.

She nods then types in the orders before saying.

"On the house."

"Oh you don't need to do that." I say.

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