Chapter 9

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Nathalie's POV:

I carefully untie the thin black bathrobe leaving me basically naked. Since it's the middle of October, it's freezing and I shiver as nothing covers my body.

Placing the bathrobe on a chair near the door I turn around with an arm against my chest. Since the only things currently covering my chest are two thin pieces of tape, and I was already bare enough as is, I cover the front of my breasts with my forearm.

I clear my throat, signaling Gabriel can turn around from where he had occupied himself with the dress while I took off the thin garment. It was nice of him that he did that. He spins around purple gown in hands as he breaths out slowly.

His storm grey eyes widen as he takes me in. They start their treck from the bottom of my long legs, stopping for a few seconds at my thighs pressed tightly together because I'm freezing. Then rising up to my waist, and stop once again, this time at my chest. His dark iris's grow slightly as he takes in my slim arm trying to cover my full breasts. He then shakes his head and looks up to my eyes.

"I-uh-." He starts then stops himself.

I smile awkwardly trying to reassure him that it's alright. I liked the way he looked at me, it was intense and admiring. I don't get many chances to feel a gaze like that since work is my life.

"The dress?" I ask hoping it will pull him from whatever he is struggling to say.

"Oh. Yes the dress." He says, carefully placing it on the floor, ready for me to step in.

I walk over and step in. I try to ignore the fact that my rather bare ass his facing him as he squats behind me ready to pull the dress up.

Once inside he pulls the large gown up around my body, his fingers grazing a warm path from my calves, over my butt, and up my back as he does so.

"Alright hold out your arms like this." He says while pulling my arms out into a T position.

I hold my arms out like he instructed while he kneels down behind me and pulls out a needle and thread from his sewing box. Facing the mirror, I watch him through it. He does not notice my gaze, so I take my time looking over his tall and muscular frame.

His biceps push against the soft fabric of his dark grey collar shirt as he begins to pull the needle and thread in and out of the dresses seams. He carefully takes a pin out after the fabric is secured with the new seam line and places it in his mouth. God he looks hot like that...

My eyes continue to scan him as he silently sews the back to fit me.

"Like what you see?" He says smirking slightly as he pulls the pin out of his mouth, discarding it in the sewing box.

"Maybe..." I say and raise a brow while a smirk spreads across my own face.

He laughs taking his gaze off his sewing fingers and up to me. I turn my head slightly back so I look at him directly and not through the mirror.

"I could say the same." He utters.

A blush spreads across my face as he says that. Did he really just say that?! He....he....flirted?! No that was probably something else.....right?

He then stands having finished the last seam on the back side of the dress.

"Turn around."

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