Chapter 13

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Nathalie's POV:

Sliding out of the Uber I grab Gabriel's outstretched hand, he pulls me up. His warm hand unfolds my cold one, he gently strokes a finger across my knuckles before fixing our hands so we're holding at the arms not the hands.

I feel my stomach flutter at the small gesture and I try to smash that feeling down, not that it does much.

Walking thought the lavish from glass door to the restaurant that Gabriel said was one of his favorites, I notice the dark and elegant room around us.

Theres many tables almost all filled with people, a large fountain sits to the side of the room its water a slow burble. The room is lit by soft candles at each candle and low hanging lights, giving it a secretive glow.

I completely space out while Gabriel talks to a waiter and gets us a table, I'm too in awe of the gorgeous room. Plants of all kinds hang from the room, line the walls, and are placed all throughout the tables.

Gabriel guides me to a table in the back which faces the windows out into the Paris streets, it's a one way window of course.

Letting go of my arm I watch as Gabriel pulls out my chair, I sit down a small smile pulling at my lips.

Gosh this shoving my feelings down is not gonna work if he keeps doing stuff like this.

"Thank you."

"Of course."

Taking a careful sip from a water glass I scan over the menu on the table making sure to keep my gaze from wandering up to the extremely handsome man seated in front of me.

Tonight he's wearing dark grey slacks, dark chocolate colored leather shoes, and a black collar shirt rolled up at the sleeves that makes his arm muscles all that more noticeable.

"This all looks amazing." I say breathe out

"All the stuff if really amazing, but my favorite is the red wine beef stew." He says picking up his own menu while leaning back and crossing a leg over one knee.

God he looks sexy like that....

Sighing internally at myself I turn my gaze to the waiter as he arrives.

"Hello, what can I get you two to drink for tonight?"

Smiling softly at the man I scan the menu once more before ordering.

"I'll have a glass of red please."

He nods and turns to Gabriel who quickly looks away from me and to the man.

"Scotch neat."

The waiter nods and takes his leave. Gabriel turns his dark gaze to mine, his stormy grey eyes lit up by the candles on our table.

"Do you know what you want?" He asks nodding to the menu in my hand.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna have what you said."

He smiles softly.

"That's a good one, you'll like it."

I smile softly back making sure the smile doesn't go wider. Because god this man makes me want to abandon all morals.

I want to kiss him so badly, I want to just talk with him. This past month of separating  myself from him was harder than I thought.

My thoughts are halted by him sighing and running a hand through his light blonde hair.

"Listen Nathalie..... I wanted to apologize for what I said a month ago."

My eyes widen slightly, shit what is he gonna
Say? He regrets all what almost happened? That we should have never been that close?

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