Chapter 15

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One week later

Nathalie's POV:

My black heels 'click' on the marble steps as I rise to the Agreste Mansion front doors. Reaching them I push them open finding the house warm yet quiet.

Closing the doors behind me so to not let in the swirling snowstorm, I run a hand over my bun making sure it's secure.

It's been a week since me and Gabriel finally admitted our feelings, the week has been different, to say. Adrian still doesn't know, I haven't found the right time to tell him. I know he wants us together, but it just needs to be the right setting for him to know. After our little scene in the office we left separately and acted like nothing happened, if people found out Gabriel Agreste was kissing his assistant.....I can't even imagine the headlines. So we've kept it quiet, stealing moments here and there.

Looking to my watch I see it's 5:45 and Adrian should be home by now, so we can decorate the Christmas tree. Must be running late with Mari, I think to myself.

Since I really don't have anything better to do I stalk to Gabriel's office to do some work. It's been weird though, working so close to him after we kissed. I find it a tad awkward and find myself occasionally looking up to him, blushing. I'm still scared out of my mind about the possibility of losing both of them if this, well whatever this is between me and Gabriel, goes wrong. We haven't had the chance to define us yet.

Finding the office empty I go to my desk and sit down beginning to anwser the overload of emails I get daily. After 20 minutes, Adrian still has not shown up, starting to get worried I text him.

Nathalie: Hey kid, where are you?

No reply.

Sighing I stand and head to the kitchen to find something to eat. Finding the kitchen empty I wonder where Gabriel is in the house. He didn't say he was leaving...

Finding a croissant from breakfast I grab one, taking a bite out of the sweet flaky patisserie.

"Oh this is good." I moan aloud as I cover my mouth with a hand as I chew the delicious thing.

As I swallow, I feel a warm strong chest push up against my back as two large familiar hands grip the counter on either side of me. My eyes widen and I shiver as a hot breath skitters down my neck, whispering gently.

"Are they really that good?" Says Gabriel.

Turning myself around a wide smile across my red lips, as Gabriel stands above me smirking.

"Oh hey."

"Hey yourself." He says

Looking to the half eaten pastry in my hand I take another bite as he watches me.

"Mhmm it's amazing. Pity I took that last one."

He scoffs sarcastically then as I finish off my last bite he leans in, taking my lips in his. Thankfully I swallowed before he kissed me, his tongue runs slowly along my lips as I wrap both my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. His tongue explores my mouth more as his hands leave the counter wrapping around my back.

My phone 'dings' which must be Adrian's reply to my message. He pulls his mouth away arms still holding me to him.

"They do taste good." He says slowly, whipping a finger over his bottom lip.

My cheeks heat up as he moves and to save myself from saying something utterly stupid, I turn around grabbing my phone off the counter. He moves his hands to on stomach as he wraps his arms around me, as he peers over my shoulder.

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