Chapter 3

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One month later

Nathalie's POV:

I'm awoken to the loud 'ding!' of my phone going off, signaling I got a message. I groan rubbing my sleepy eyes as I reach for my glasses on the nightstand.

Putting them on and being able to see, I reach for my phone. It dings again before I get the chance to enter the chat.

Adrian: Hey Nathalie! I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me to the Dupan-Chengs bakery tonight for dessert? Gorilla can't take me and father surely won't.

Adrian: Sorry just realized it's 7am and you might be asleep.

I smile and sit up, leaning against the plush headboard of my bed. I feel so happy he thought to ask me.

Nathalie: Yes I'd love to go, what time?

Adrian: Be at the house at 7! Thank you!!

Before I know what I'm doing I send of a quick text off to Gabriel.

Nathalie: Would you like to join me and your son for dessert tonight? 7pm.

It takes several minutes for him to answer, the little dots on the bottom of the chat disappearing and then reappearing.

Gabriel: Yes.

My mouth drops open a tad, I was just asking out of courtesy and to let him him know where Adrian was going to be tonight. I didn't actually think he was going to agree.

Still shocked I close the chat dropping my phone on the bed trying to decide if I should try to go back to sleep or get up.

I decide sleep, Sundays are my only day off from work and the only days I actually get to sleep in so I need to take advantage of that.

Hours later

My black knee high heeled boots softly hit the cold marble steps of the Agreste mansion as I climb them.

It was cold out tonight the summer warmth swept out by October's chill.

I reach the top and push open the heavy front doors walking inside then pushing the doors silently closed.

Walking forward a few steps I glance at my watch. It's an elegant thing, thin gold band holding a gold watch circle, but instead of lines depicting what time and minutes it is, there are diamonds. Bigger diamonds for the hours and smaller ones for the minutes.

It was a gift from Gabriel on my 30th birthday, which was 4 years ago.

I'm pulled from my thoughts hearing a heavy voice coming from atop the stairs.

"You still wear that thing?" Gabriel asks as he strides down to me.

And god does he look good.

He's worn white pants with brown loafers that shine brightly, a coffee brown sweater over a white collar shirt, and a heavy brown jacket hanging in one arm.

Pulling myself from thoughts of him I smile and look back down at the gold piece on my wrist stroking it once.

"Yeah of course I do. You gave it to me." I reply looking back up to find him only a few feet from me.

His lips rise the tiniest bit as if he's trying to hold back a small smile.

Before he can say something, Adrian rushes down the stairs hauling a coat over his shoulders.

"I'm here I'm here!" He says and slides to a stop next to me and his father.

"Oh father? What are you doing here?" Adrian asks as he glances between me and Gabriel.

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