Chapter 8

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One week later

Nathalie's POV:

My fingers grip the edge of my tablet in annoyance as I listen to the venue coordinator complain for the hundredth time. He keeps going on about since the stage was multiple days late and was supposed be built by a certain day everything was out of order now.

I take a deep breath and clam down my rising anger. The shit I put up with I swear. He heaves a breath after finishing his long lecture.

"I understand how we could be behind on a few things. But there's no need to fret as far as I can see we're on schedule." I say giving the annoying man a reassuring look.

"How can you say that? The costumes are not here yet, the red carpet is still boxed, all the plants are not in their place-" He continues to list things that I already know so I stop him.

"Listen to me, all is under control. So if you're worried please take that worry somewhere else, I am extremely busy and don't have time for this."

I walk away leaving the man dumbfounded.

"Stupid woman." He mutters under his breath thinking I can't hear him.

Anger boils up inside me, but because I am the better person here, I squash it down and walk away.

Tomorrow is the big fall fashion show and I could not be more stressed. Everything that could be late or go wrong was. It was a struggle to keep my face cool and collected.

I turn the corner of the large green house where the show is being held and take in the everything that needs to be done.

Plants needed to be arranged, I needed to pick up the show garments that have not arrived yet, find the red carpet, set up all the chairs, arrange the lights, and make sure all goes smoothly at dress rehearsal in an...... I look at my watch and find I only have an hour until rehearsal.

"Shit...alright clothes first then everything else." I say to myself taking a deep breath then exiting the glass building.

An hour later I've arrived back at the expansive garden house, the leftover designs that needed final touches in my arms.

I power walk inside my black heels 'click clicking' loudly on the white marble floor. I find that the models, make up artists, and hair dressers all made it on time. I sigh happy something was on track.

I pass the last designs to some makeup artists and they take them backstage where there to be dressed on the models for rehearsal. Since everyone still has to get ready and that takes at least an hour I quickly walk off to search for the red carpet.

I'm in the storage room of the garden house desperately searching all the boxes for one labeled with the company I order the carpet from, when someone comes bursting in the room.

"Uhh Ms.Sancoeur?!" Comes a female voice.

"Come in! I'm behind all the boxes." I yell as I continue to search.

The woman walks around all the boxes with a nervous look on her face. I sigh mentally preparing myself for what else could have gone wrong.

She's a pretty woman, short curly brown hair pulled back by a bandana, light brown eyes wide and alert, and dark skin that shines in the bright lights of the storage room.

"We have a problem." She says and fiddles with her makeup apron.

"I assumed as much. What is it?" I say standing up sighing while I rub my back.

" of the models, Clarissa, is sick with the flu and there's no one else to fill her spot."

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." I say aloud running a hand through my hair.

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