Chapter 11

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Nathalie's POV:

The gentle music of a thrumming piano song fills my ears as it plays a fast romantic melody. The bright lights shine down on me as I take a careful step out of the side stage entering the cat walk.

The purple gown glitters brightly in the white lights, the crowd falling silent as they take the dress in, as they take me in.

I pull a pleasant and bland look on my face and begin to walk down the stage, my tall black heels clicking softly as I move in foot in front of the other.

I feel a million eyes on me but I can't spot anyone in the crowd, since the only light is currently pouring on me.

I sway my hips softly like Sophie instructed me too finding that it's not hard cat walking down the long stage.

Reaching the end I gently raise my arms above me, spinning slowly, the layers of the dress flowing around me in a soft blur of purple. The slit in the dress spreading making my long legs on full display.

I hear a bunch of "oooohs" and "wows" coming from the hundreds of people currently sitting in the stands as they watch me spin.

Finishing my spin I walk back down the stage taking a slower walk then I did going down. Sophie had instructed me that since I was the 'show stopper' I had to take extra time then I would think I would need to make my way down and back.

Finishing with ease I walk out of the shining spot light and smile to myself.

'I did it!' I say softly.

Walking around to back stage all the models clapped for me as I arrive, I wave off there applause but a smile creeps over my cheeks. Before I can say something I hear Gabriel speak up on the stage, beginning his ending speech and bows.

A minute later I'm ushered to the side of the cat walk again, where for one last time I'm supposed to strut down.

All the other models walk out lining up straight on the sides of the stage posing as Gabriel begins his thank yous to the crowd.

I am then pushed out onto the stage and am about to walk down to my spot at the end, when I feel someone grab my arm gently, halting me.

Looking over confused, I see Gabriel holding my arm with one hand the other a microphone as he speaks.

"Lastly but definitely not least, I would like to thank my assistant Nathalie who stepped up when no one else could, and became the star of our show."

I smile softly amazed that he thanked me publicly like this. A bright blush creeps over my smiling cheeks. I look towards the crowd as they begin to clap, even a few whistling.

I've been at countless shows, but I'm always on the sidelines watching it, or backstage helping to make sure everything goes smoothly. I've never been involved like this, and gosh I've been missing out.

The warm feeling in my heart spreads from Gabriel's kind words and the crowds applause. No wonder Emilie liked this so much.

Still holding my arm Gabriel bows slowly then rises and waves to the crowd as all of us exit the stage.

Backstage I am dragged away from Gabriel and whisked off to be undressed.

Half an hour later

Pulling out the last bobby pin from my hair I set it down and gently rub my scalp which aches from all the tight pins.

Having discarded the gorgeous gown I switched back to my normal work attire. Dark blue slacks, black heels and a dark red turtle neck.

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