First Day Back

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"Alex! you're going to be late, it's your first day!' Dad screamed.

It was infact 7am...which would technically mean I'm late and not just by a couple minutes late, but late late that I've definitely missed the bus.

"Alex, I'm not going to call you again." Dad yelled another time.

I sighed, dragging myself out of my comfortable bed and stood up, letting the dizziness infiltrate my head. Low iron levels am I right guys?

I opened up my closet door and picked some black trousers, a white tee and a black denim jacket to pair. I laced up my white sneakers and began to head to the bathroom when I heard singing inside.

"Now that it's raining more than ever,
know that we'll still have each other, you can stand under my umb-" Tyla Sang before I cut her off.

"Rella ella, ella, eh, eh, eh!" I sang back loudly banging on the door.

I heard a screech inside and chuckled to myself heading downstairs to Dad.

Mom and Dad divorced two years ago, she still sorta lives here cause you know we're here and her stuff is here. Dad doesn't like it when she's here, they left off on a band footing, She cheated on him with his brother David. I'd be hella pissed if my wife did that...for clarification I don't have a wife, I'm 18.

The closest thing I have to a wife is the billie eilish poster on my her.

Mom and David aren't together but they do 'hang out' a lot, mom's seeing this other dude called Jason? I dont know I've lost count. I guess my mom's pretty similar to Tyla. They both loose track of who they're with. On the other hand, dad and I are alike. We've both been single for two years. But like you know...every girl wants me...I'm just picky, I totally get asked out every day....
Maybe not but-

"How are you feeling kiddo?" Dad asked as he sat down next to me eating toast.
I took a spoonful of my cereal and shrugged my shoulders.

"I mean...a bit nervous, no one besides my friends know that I transitioned completely over summer" I spoke taking a sip of my apple juice. Apple juice on top.

He sighed rubbing my shoulders.
"I know buddy, but listen, you've got your friends, and they'll be there for you, if anyone gives you trouble you call me, you hear me son?" Dad spoke grinning.

I smiled back and brought him in for a hug mumbling "thanks dad".

Once I had eaten and brushed my teeth it was time to go, Tyla and I waved dad goodbye and headed out. Tyla is my little sister. Well not so little anymore. She's 16, however mentally? More so 10. Her IQ is definitely something...

"Are we gonna get the bus or walk?" Tyla asked.

"'s raining, raining...oh, baby, it's raining, raining!" I sang with a loud tone. Tyla groaned and shoved me.
"Oh shut up!"

I laughed shoving her back as we made our way to school.

As Tyla and I make our way towards the school gates, the bustling scene comes into view. Swarms of students fill the area, their laughter and chatter filling the air. It's a sight that instantly brings a sense of anticipation and excitement.

I notice groups of friends reuniting after a long summer break, their faces lighting up with joy as they embrace each other. It's heartwarming to witness these genuine connections being reignited.

Amidst the crowd, I catch a glimpse of my own group of friends perched on the railing, their voices echoing through the commotion. "Alex!!!" I hear as they all yell my name.

I run over, Tyla walking over to her friends.

"Tommy! Adam! Piper! Hugo!" I yell out hugging each and every one of them.

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