Mom's Home Again

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Placing the ice pack to my face my dad's face got more stern. Tyla pinched my chin pulling my head up so the ice pack could cover the spot where Danny hit me.

"This is just ridiculous, no one should be treated like that for who they are, I'm going to the school tomorrow about this" Dad yelled clasping his hands together.

"No Dad it's o-" I started till the door swung open with a thud. I groaned peeking around the corner, expecting who to see, Mom.

"Oh god what a day what a day" Mom slurred as she stumbled in, her make up was smudged and her hair had a twig tangled in the back. She wore a white button down shirt that looked like it was ripped at the bottom and had a pair of muddy trousers- just to match the beautiful look.

Mom and I locked eyes, she crunched up her nose and laughed. "What the hell happened to you?" She muttered sliding past Dad and Tyla. Sitting down next to me she took the ice pack off Tyla and removed it from my face. I whinged in pain, crunching my eyes.

"Didn't I tell you to stop being a pussy?" Mom snorted slapping my arm, leaving a slight red mark.

Mom was never always like this. She used to be caring, sweet...and loving. I dont know, ever since dad found out she was cheating, she really wanted him to be mad or get a reaction out if him. So, she'd go out of her way to make him unhappy, like sending selfie of herself kissing dad's brother David, bringing more than one man back to our house while dad's home. Dad even said, once she invited him out for dinner to talk things through, Dad showed up...seen Mom getting it from some guy behind the restaurant. Mom just smiled and laughed. I guess when Mom used to be her caring and loving self...she did also love people's reactions to things she did. Whether it was praise she wanted, or negative reactions, she sucked them up quicker than she sucked Davi-

"Leave me alone Janet" I spoke under my breath. I don't call her Mom when speaking to her anymore, I feel like that title has gone way out the window.

"Babh, I'm your momma it's okay to call me your mom" She said kissing my cheek.

I pulled away and stood up, moving closer to dad.

"I think it's best you head back to your place Janet" Dad spoke.

Mom groaned, coughing, I could smell the stench of vodka off her breath.

"Jamie...have I ever told look really good in khaki..." Mom slurred pointing to dad's shirt.

Dad paid no attention to the compliment and walked her to the door.

For a while Dad used to take care of Mom when she came back drunk, it always ended up with them kissing. Dad still loves Mom, but, just not the way he used to. A part of him cares for mom, hoping she'll get better. She just never does.

We probably won't see Mom now for another couple of months. She only comes here when her hoochies kick her out, she needs money, someone's after her or she 'misses us'...basically she just wants money.

Three months ago she gave me a birthday present. It wasn't my birthday. She gave me a plastic bag from the supermarket with a fork inside. Not just any fork, but a fork from our house.

A part of me feels bad for the way we neglect her. However the other part of me knows its the best way to move on.
I do hope she gets better one day and learns from her mistakes...I just don't see that happening.

Once mom had left I decided to reconnect with nature as they say. Going for a smoke, you may also say.

I took my bike from the shed and took my jacket that was hanging on the wall.

I hopped onto my trusty bike, feeling the cool breeze against my face as I shifted gears and zipped up my snug jacket. I pedaled away from my house.
It took a couple of minutes to navigate through the streets, but my destination was clear in my mind—I was heading to the park.

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