A Pirate?

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I'm sitting on Piper's cozy bed, comfortably leaning against the sturdy bed frame with my legs resting on top of Hugo's warm legs. Beside Hugo, Piper and Tommy are here too. Piper is sifting through a stack of DVDs, her fingers delicately gliding over the colorful spines, searching for the perfect movie to watch. Tommy, with a mischievous grin, can't help but tease her.

"Pipe?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah what's up?" Piper responded, not once removing her eyes from scanning the stacks of movies.

"Why don't you just get something like Netflix?"

Piper looked up with a grin, raining a brow.

"Why pay like five thousand dollars for a year when I can just get ten DVDs for five bucks in the corner store" Piper chuckled.

The room erupts in laughter, as we all wholeheartedly agree.

Just as Piper finds the perfect movie, a delightful aroma fills the air, signaling the arrival of the long-awaited pizza. Excitement bubbles within me, and I swiftly bound down the stairs, my feet lightly tapping against each step. On my way, I can't resist giving Piper's husky, Diana, a quick affectionate pat on her fluffy head. As I reach the front door, I swing it open, revealing the friendly face of the pizza delivery person. With a smile, I exchange cash for the delicious, cheesy goodness that awaits inside the box. My steps become a blur as I race back upstairs, the delightful scent of the pizza trailing behind me.

As I enter the room, Diana, the loyal canine companion, gracefully follows me, her paws silently padding across the floor. I carefully place the steaming pizza on the bed, its tantalizing aroma enticing us all. Diana gracefully settles on the floor next to the TV, her watchful eyes gleaming with curiosity. Piper, with a flair for the dramatic, selects a spine-chilling horror film, setting the stage for an evening of spine-tingling suspense. We all snuggle up close to one another, our bodies intertwined in a comforting embrace.

However, just as the suspense reaches its peak, a jarring interruption disrupts the harmony. My phone vibrates, its urgent ringtone piercing through the tension. I reluctantly reach for it, my heart sinking as I see my dad's name flashing on the screen. With a sense of urgency in his voice, he instructs me to come home immediately.

"Alex...get home now" Dad spoke.

I ended the call, my friends still glued to the horror film as I placed my phone in my pocket.

"I've gotta go" I spoke softly, the sounds of screams and murder deafened my voice.

I gently tapped Piper's shoulders who was sitting in between my legs.

"Mhm?" Piper muttered, slowly bringing pizza up to her lips, afraid to look away.

"I have to go" I said with a clearer voice.

Tommy, Hugo and Piper all turned to look at me, pausing the film I got up and began to pack my clothes into my bag.

I decided to stay in my pyjamas as Piper didn't live that far away...and why be ashamed of a such gorgeous attire?

Spiderman pjs.

"Is everything okay man?" Hugo asked placing his hands on my forearms and looking deep into my eyes.

"I- I just...my dad called and he sounded worried but I don't know...scared even? I...I just have to-" I trembled out. I've never heard dad like this before.

Hugo smiles softly, worry playing on my friends faces as I ran down the stairs, taking my slippers off and placing my sneakers back on.

As the fresh crisp air of the night hit my skin, I realized I probably should have worn my jacket. Shaking my head, I hopped on my bike and began to pedal home.

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