The New Girl

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"Please, Piper, I'm begging you!" I pleaded. My friends and I were all seated in the cafeteria eating our glumps of mashed potatoes? I'm not sure, I mean, it looks like it...but it's green and has pieces in it. Listen, I'm no chef, but this is not presentable.

Piper groaned throwing her head back.

"Okay well what happens if I do join? What if we don't get partnered up?" Piper replied humming.

Hugo leaned over the table combing back his hair with his fingers. "What are yous on about?" He asked.

Piped rolled her eyes pointing at me.
"Alex wants me to join his art class so he's not alone on the trip" Piper whined.

"You know I'd do the same for you in a heart beat!" I exclaimed waving my hands in the air.

Piper hushed me and bit into her sandwich.

"Fine! Fine, fine...I'll join, but after the trip in transferring back to business!" Piper groaned shoving my arm.

A big smile formed on my face as I kisses her cheek ans brought her in for a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Alright alright thats enough, people already think we're together" Piper giggled.

"Youd look good together" Tommg chuckled, he was immediately silenced when a figure appeared out of the blue and sat down at the end of the table.

The new girl.

In unison, we all immediately became silent.
As if we could all hear each other's thoughts.

We watched in silence as a group of people approached her, greeting her with warm hugs and laughter. Their animated conversation filled the air, creating a stark contrast to the quietness that surrounded us.

It felt as if a vibrant energy had entered the room, drawing everyone's attention towards this lively group. They seemed to effortlessly connect with Julia, forging bonds and sharing stories. Meanwhile, my friends and I remained on the sidelines, observers in this unfolding scene.

"What is going on?" Tommy whispered.

"The bullies have sat with Julia?" I spoke.

"Shush!" Piper groaned.

Just then one of the boys sitting amongst the others stood up, his insanely, abnormal muscles tightened as he walked straight up to me. I could feel every bone in my body twitch as my heart stopped beating.

"H-hi Danny" I mustered out, unable to form a proper sentence.

He drew his hand out and placed a finger on my moustache. Grinning to himself he looked back at his group.

"Look who grew a beard!" He shouted, the whole cafeteria turned in curiosity.

Oh fuck.

He turned back to look at me, an evil smile playing on his lips.

"Do tell me Alex, how long did it take you to grow this? Oh or is it fake?" He chuckled with a grin.

Tommy stood up, his chair screeching on the tiles. "Fuck off Danny".

I gasped, as did the whole cafeteria.

Danny chuckled, his eyes not leaving mine. His fingers felt the hair under my nose, rubbing the strands in-between his fingertips. With a single, unexpected, yet expected yank, he pulled a peice of hair off my face. I drew my head back, feeling the tingling pain on my face.

"Ouch!" I whispered, placing my hand on my face.

"That's enough Danny" Piper yelled, standing up next to him.

Piper and Danny used to date, until she realised what a dick he can be. She broke up with him, had him crying yet to this day he tells people he broke up with her.


Danny smirked looking down at Piper.
Standing up, with one hand on my face I pushed Piper out of his way.

"Aw would you look at this...your girlfriend protecting your man flaps" Danny chuckled, as did his group...and everyone else.

Two more boys from his group stood up, joining beside him.

"Fuck off" I yelled, pushing him back.

Danny laughed, sniggering with his friends, he looked over to Julia who still had her narrow glare.

"This is how we run things Julia" Danny explained. That's when it happened.

A punch straight to the face.
Knocked out cold. Infront of everyone.

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