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It was Thursday, and the days have gone by slowly... you could say.

I had just finished school, headed home, and was getting ready to head out again.

Three years ago, mom put me into this summer camp thing with Tyla, so dad and her could have time to overthink their relationship, I guess.

I hated it at first, not knowing a single person while everyone else had groups.

Tyla was able to make friends easily. She's always been the social butterfly between us. While I'd stay to myself... Over there, I met Finnleigh.

He was a year older than me yet much smaller. He had one blue eye, and the other was green. Bushy eyebrows and glasses framed his face, alone with his messy brown hair that was short at the sides yet long at the front and back. Kinda like a 50/50 mullet. He wore a lot of jerseys, some of which I've never heard of. There are a lot of football shirts and shorts to pair. He has brought three pairs of shoes... from what I had seen. Crocs, converse, and muddy stained white trainers.

He was also by himself, I'd always catch him on the benches reading comics or by the river drawing. I was always too shy to approach him, though. For a while, I'd just observe from a distance, acting like I was there in his company. I felt as if this was nice enough, that I could imagine having a friend, and that made me content.

One morning, he came up to me, making small talk. Our conversations got longer over time, and by a month in, we were inseparable.

I kissed Finnleigh one night under the moon's glow. He kissed me back.

We started going out for the months we were there. It was so much better than being alone.

I had never thought of myself to have liked boys back then... but something was different with him. Finnleigh made me feel safe. He made me laugh, and most importantly, he made me feel seen.

I really liked him. The first boy I had ever liked. Unfortunately, the camp came to an end, and I didn't want to leave, yet all good things come to an end.

Neither of us had phones as the camp has a strict no devices rule, so we exchanged emails...kept in contact for a while. Suddenly, we stopped, I had completely forgotten about him.

That's when he emailed me last night saying he's in my state with his family. He'd like to meet up.

I didn't know what to say at first. What do you even say to your first boy lover that you completely forgot about?

I said yes.

So here I am, getting dressed up to see the first boy I ever loved.

I dress casually, a shirt and trousers. Effort but chill.

We decided to both meet up at the amusement park as it had just opened up and was the easiest to find for him.

I didn't tell Dad or Tyla about this.
Tyla wouldn't really care, though dad might.

Dad isn't homophobic to start off.
He's afraid if the boy sees me as a girl. I guess you can't go wrong with a gay boy.
Unless he's one of those....


After shutting the door on my way out, I zipped up my jacket and hopped on the bus. The amusement park was about a half mile away from my block.

Not too shabby.

As I walked through the grand entrance gates of the amusement park, a symphony of sights and sounds enveloped me. The air was filled with an aroma of freshly popped popcorn and sugary cotton candy, while the distant screams of thrill-seekers on roller coasters echothe air....a screaming children. Ew.

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