Two Days To Go

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"I can't believe we're leaving soon," I muttered as Julia and I smoked a cigarette I had brought that I forgot about. We sat in the forest, a good bit away from where the tents were situated.

We sat in the crevice of a small tree. It was evening now, we had just finished our water balloon fight and completed some painting.

Julia had already eaten, I wasn't as hungry today, so I said I'd eat something later before bed.

"Will you go on a date with me... when we get back?" I asked cautiously. Julia looked over at me, humming, her brow raised, and a smirk forming on her face.

"Are you asking me on a date?" She chuckled.

Nodding my head, Julia intertwined our hands.

"I'd like that," she chuckled, squeezing my hand.

Taking a drag from the cigarette, I carefully passed it to Julia, who accepted it.

"When did you start smoking?" Julia asked me as she took a drag.

"When I was twelve," I admit, taking another drag.

Leaning over to see me, my eyes locked on the bird in the tree.

"Why did you start?" She asked again.

"My mom was annoyed, I guess, annoyed that dad never got angry at me the way he got angry at her. Thought If she gave me a couple of packs a month, dad would be angry at me. " I chuckled, rethinking about the memory as I took another drag.


"What about you?" I asked, passing the cigarette back.

"I just thought it was cool," Julia muttered as she handed the cigarette back to me.

"I seen a lot of adults with them. Thought they looked pretty fucking cool. So I tried it, got sold a pack for five bucks, and a blow job off some Uni kid. Hated them, absolutely despised them, but I'd always smoke one out and about, I guess I got hooked pretty everyone else, " Julia mummered as she re-lit the cigarette.

"Have you ever thought about quitting?" I asked, flicking some ash onto the ground.

Julia paused for a second to think.
"I guess? Maybe?" She started.

"I mean, smoking isn't something that's on my mind 24/7. When I have the chance to do it, I just do, you know? Yeah, I guess I've never really thought about it. I hope in the future, when my head isn't all over the place, I'll think about it properly. " Julia hummed. The cigarette came to its end, just like everything does, so Julia stumped it into a leaf.

"What about you?" Julia asked me as she leaned into me for warmth.

"I guess I could say the same. Eventually I'll think about it, it's just something that helps me through school and work. It's stupid that something so small, something so harmful, helps" I muttered out. Julia nodded, wrapping her arms around me. Pulling her in closer I rested my head on hers.

"Where do you work?" She asked me.

"I work for my dad, he's owns a motor shop, it was passed down from his dad. He says one day it'll be mine...I don't really know if I want to be a mechanic for the rest of my life though" I admit.

"Where do you want to be in the future?" Julia asked me.

Humming to myself I chuckled.

"I want to be with peace. I want to have a nice, comfortable home, a family, a dog, two cats and a rat" I giggled.

"A rat?" Julia asked peeking up at me.

"They're cute don't even start" I glared back.

Shrugging her shoulders she leaned in closer. "Hey, I'm not one to judge, I've got a pet snake".

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