Last Week

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As we make our way back to our tent, Julia's request to turn around catches me off guard, but I comply without hesitation. The sound of her shedding her wet bikini fills the quiet air, a subtle reminder of the intimacy shared in this secluded camping spot. While I change into dry pyjama bottoms, I can feel her presence nearby, a comforting warmth in the cool evening air. The absence of a shirt feels like a natural choice, the night too warm to bother with unnecessary layers.

As we settle into our sleeping bags, Julia's head finds its place on my chest, a familiar and comforting weight. I open my book, ready to lose myself in its pages, but the tranquillity is interrupted by the unmistakable ding of my phone. Dad's message, a simple reminder of his love and our limited time left in this peaceful retreat, brings a smile to my face. However, Finnleigh's unexpected confession tugs at my heartstrings, stirring up memories and emotions I thought I had long buried.

With a sigh, I reply to Finnleigh with a simple thumbs up, hoping to delay the inevitable conversation until later. But Julia's curiosity gets the better of her, and she inquires about Finnleigh. I offer a brief explanation of our past, downplaying its significance in comparison to the present. Yet, Julia persists, wanting to know who has captured my heart now.

"Alex, you can't kiss me like that, then tell me you like somebody else," Julia mutters.

Caught off guard by her directness, I feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I fumble for words.

I attempt to return to my book, hoping to diffuse the tension, but Julia has other plans. With a gentle yet assertive gesture, she takes the book from my hands, refusing to let me evade the conversation. Her words cut through the silence like a knife, leaving no room for ambiguity. And in that moment, with her so close, I realize that she is right.

Pinning my arms down, the book thrown to the other side of the tent, Julia hops up on top of my lap.

With a mixture of nerves and excitement, I reach out to her, my hand finding its place on the back of her neck, pulling her closer until our lips meet in a tender kiss. In that fleeting moment, as our worlds collide in a shared embrace.

"It's you...I like you Julia."

"Oh," Julia giggled softly, pulling away for some air.

"Oh," I mocked back, chuckling, bringing her back in for a kiss.

This kiss began to get more heated as our lips lapped against each other, occasionally pulling away for some air, Julia's hand went towards my hair, pulling me closer as her body was on mine. My hands went to her hips, pulling her closer.

Julia moaned into the kiss as our tongues intertwined. I could feel her chest moving up and down against mine, her hips buckling as I dug my nails into her back.

"Mhm~" she mumbled as she bit my lip.

My head was spinning in every direction. I wanted her, I needed her.

After some time, I think we both telepathically knew it was better to stop now before things escalated in the tent.

Pulling away, Julia slid off me yet stayed close to me, her head resting on my chest. Our heavy breaths gave everything away.

Reaching for the book, Julia placed a hand on my cheek.

"Can we read tomorrow?" She asked.

"I was hoping you'd say that," I chuckled as I placed the book back down and turned off my night light, letting sleep get the better of us.

I woke up to find Julia already awake, engrossed in a book. With a playful scoff, I took the book from her and glanced at the page she was on.

"You've read two chapters without me," I teased, raising an eyebrow.

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