Too Much Of Everything

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"I have everything that's on the list," I groaned as dad unpacked my bag.
The piles of clothes, art materials, and bits and pieces lay scattered all over my bed. My sleeping bed was clumped up into the corner of my room as well as my blow-up pillow.

"Alex, you have double of everything... how are you even going to get this bag out the door?!"

Rolling my eyes, I started re-folding my clothes.

"It's better to pack more than less, dad. You always say this," I replied, placing my art materials into their own little case inside my bag.

Dad started to speak but instead stopped himself and hummed in agreement.

"You're right there, kiddo." Dad chuckled, helping me place everything back into my duffle bag.

"Promise me you'll be safe...I heard that new girl Julia will be there...heard she's a bit of an odd ball." Dad shivered.

I smiled warmly and hugged his side.

"I'll be okay, Dad, I promise."

Sometimes promises get broken, and there's nothing you can do to stop that. I hope dad knows.

"Okay, well, I can't have you late now. You better get a move on to school." Dad chirped with a big smile. Nodding, I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked out the door.

The cool, warm morning breeze was a comforting combination of wearing my jacket on one arm.

My shorts moved in the light breeze, yet the warmth shone down, causing me to squint my eyes.

Our art teacher decided to be different, quirky like that, asked us to be at the school bus for 7am. Like brother...
That's just when I start dreaming. Whatever, I'm excited.

We haven't gone on a trip in ages! Unless you wanna include our trip to the science rooms for their equipment to draw, thats about it.

Once I entered the school gates, I could see my art class swarmed around the bus that sat in the yard in front of the building. It was a double-decker, blue and purple with big black writing on both sides that read 'Tim Tim's Bus'.


Once I shoved my bag into the bottom compartment, placing a name tag on it that was given to me by the bus driver, I clicked it on to the bag straps.

The adrenaline of the whole trip sped through my system, a smile on my face as I raced onto the bus, claiming my go-to seat.

Don't judge, listen, I have my many reasons.

The front single seat. Now it may be the one closest to the teachers, which is kinda off... BUT!

Listen, if I need to piss, I can get off quickly. I have the biggest window if I get too warm, AND the seat is heated.

With charging ports under my seat and a comfortable headrest, it's very, very nice.

My eye was mostly healed, so I had removed the patch. Besides the couple bruises on my face, the swelling had gone down.
Thank god, I looked like a god danm bee went right for my eye.
Someone even asked if I was half Asian.

I do however still have my cast, with Danny's sentence, dad's name as well as Tyla and my friend's, it looks pretty cool. Besides Danny's.
Finnleigh even drew a little heart next to his name. Cute.

The bus quickly packed up, friends sitting with each other, groups swarming in trying to take the back seats.

Then Julia. She slowly climbed up, her face emotionless as she strided by me, her eyes looking straight forwards until she stopped right beside me. Staring me down, her eyes travelling over my body before meeting my eyes.

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