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"Goodnight Julia" I whispered as she lay her arms around my torso. "Goodnight Alex" Julia muttered back, falling deep into her slumber.

Once we had awoken, I stretched out my arms and legs. I'm sleeping so much more better now, this is crazy.

"I wonder what we're doing today?" Julia wondered as we both got dressed and headed out. Our classmates were already all inside the big cabin enjoying some breakfast.

Julia and I quickly scrammed down some cereal and toast then looked up to see Bethany and Donny.

"Hope you guys enjoyed breakfast, your teacher here will be doing some fun activities with a bit of an artsy twist, can't wait to see how it goes...Donny and I might just have to join in if its as fun as your teacher here has said" Bethany chuckled.

Once breakfast was wrapped up we headed outside to the biggest area of the camp, a long, stretched land of grass.
Donny pulled out his speaker while Bethany connected her playlist to it.

Our teacher brought out a huge white twister sheet and colorful paints from a large black rucksack. He squirted green, red, blue, and yellow onto the circles, according to the given colour.

"Now class, this is just like every game of twister, however this time you'll all be covered in paint. The last person to win will get a prize. We'll then put some canvas ontop of the twister mat, press them down and after you'll all have your own colourful canvas to take home!" Our teacher spoke with a cheerful smile.

Everyone began taking off their socks and shoes, waiting for someone to spin the wheel.

"Okay Eric you're up first" Donny yelled over the speaker playing a Childish Gambino song.

Eric looked at the spun wheel and placed his left foot on the blue circle, squirming when his foot hit the cold blue paint.

Donny spun the wheel again and again till it was my turn.

"Okay Alex you're up next, place your right hand on the red circle" Donny spoke as I obliged and did what he had said.

Julia and I locked eyes on the twister sheet, chuckling.

"Now, everyone move their left hand or left leg to the nearest available circle" Donny laughed, watching us all scramble.

A lot fell over, making room for Donny and Bethany to hop in.

Our teacher spun the wheel, "Donny, move you right hand to the yellow circle" he spoke.

Donny chuckled seeing how far away the yellow circle way.

"Alright Alright, I don't think I'm cut out for things like thi-" Donny began but immediately lost his balance and fell straight down onto his stomach.

"Oohp that winded me Alright!" Donny chuckled, climbing off the mat.

I had already been knocked out, as well as Julia. We both watched the remaining five struggle to keep up.

They started dropping like flies, twisting in all sorts of ways.

"Kabir you're out now" Donny spoke for the second time as Kabir refused to leave.

After some pestering he finally climbing off, but not before tripping another student up causing them to fall.

"Murat, you're out buddy" our teacher spoke ushering Kabir and Murat off the sheet.

"B-but he-"

"Come on now it's just a game Murat" our teacher softly spoke, patting his back. Poor guy.

There were now two people left.

Bethany and Declan.

The majority of our class were rooting for Bethany. Declan was pretty athletic yet I could see his legs start to shake. I think Bethany noticed this too as she lifted her right hand and plumped down onto the sheet. "Oh darn, well, congrats kiddo, you win!" Bethany chirped.

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