Baking With A Side Of Lipstick

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The hike was really good. However, I know my legs will be gone for tomorrow morning. Once we had all dried up and headed back down, we went in for some lunch. I had a yoghurt and chicken nuggets. Don't even start on me, I heard it all from Julia and her orange juice.

There was a change in plan with the clay making, Our teacher forgot to bring the instead we just went off to do our own things earlier. By the time we got back to the big cabin and had our food, it was 6 pm. Yet, still so bright out, you could easily say it was no more than 3pm.

Julia and I decided to bake and then go to the hottubs as everyone else had already taken up the capacity of the tubs.

"It'll be nicer when it's not as warm out," Julia had said. She's right, being hot as fuck then getting it a hottub didn't seem like a nice idea.

We headed into the kitchen where Bethany was eating her lunch.

"Why don't you eat with the students?" I asked her as I got out the weighing scales from one of the cabinets.

Shrugging her shoulders she swallowed some salad.

"I'm not a big fan of eating infront of so many people, plus it's nice and cool in here" She admitted, finishing up her food.

"Well have fun guys, make sure to not burn down the kitchen" Bethany chuckled as she left the kitchen.

Once Julia and I had gotten all our equipment and ingredients out we began to look at the recipe book, making sure we had the ingredients in the right bowls with the right amount of each.

"Okay step one...whisk the eggs and sift the flour" Julia spoke as she read the recipe.

"I'll do the eggs" I spoke as I began to crack two eggs into a small cup.

Julia nodded and began to sift the flour.
I whisked the eggs in the cup, feeling a mischievous grin forming on my face as Julia began to sift the flour. But then, in a sudden moment of clumsiness, Julia accidentally knocked her arm against the bowl, causing the flour to explode all over both of us.

Time seemed to freeze for a moment as we stood there, covered in a cloud of white.

Unable to resist the temptation, I scooped up a handful of flour and playfully threw it at Julia. She retaliated with a mischievous smile, smacking her lips and throwing flour right back at me.

In the midst of our playful exchange, Julia swiftly grabbed my hand, attempting to tackle me. But I managed to wrap my arms around her from behind, holding her close as we laughed uncontrollably. She giggled and squirmed, trying to get more flour on me. With a swift move, she spun me around and pinned me to the kitchen table, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

We locked eyes, both of us breathless from the laughter and the exhilarating flour fight. Breathing out flour, my hair messy with whiteness we both stood, our bodies touching, calming down our breaths.

She looked down at me, catching her breathing, barely blinking, her smile fading. With my chest rising up and down, as well as Julia's, silence tool over our baking.

Our bodies pressed close, Julia and I stand locked in a silent exchange, our gazes locked with an intensity that speaks volumes. The kitchen around us fades into the background, leaving only the two of us in this moment.

I watch as Julia's hand rises tentatively, fingertips tracing the contours of my face, brushing away flecks of flour with a delicate touch. Each movement is deliberate, cautious, as if testing the waters of our unspoken connection. Then, with a breathless pause, she leans forward, her lips meeting mine in a gentle kiss.

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