Goodbyes and Hellos

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(Alex's POV)

I slowly open my eyes, feeling the warmth of the morning sun seeping through the fabric of the tent. The sounds of birds chirping outside and the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind greet me as I stretch and yawn. The loud, penetrating sound of whistles being blown outside awakes me from my slumber.

I can't lie when I say it took me a while to fall asleep last night. Julia was like a completely different person. She knew what she wanted...what I wanted.

Julia was first to fall asleep, I stayed awake for an hour or two till my eyes began to slowly close. I guess I was still in shock about our activities last night. Don't get me wrong was amazing.

Julia was still asleep, I'd say last night took a lot out of her. I carefully leaned over her body to grab my blocky phone.


Oh shit! We're leaving at 7.

Quickly - yet quietly. I began to pack up my belongings. Stripping from my shorts, I was standing in my minecraft boxers as I packed and folded my clothes into my bag. I did the same for Julia, taking out two outfits for her and leaving them at her feet. Once I had gotten dressed into some denim shorts and my dad's tee shirt, I silently creeped out of the tent.

As I zipped it back up, I quickly jogged over to the big cabin. The good thing about the tent area was that it wasn't too far from everything else. Everything was no more than a five minute walk away unless you're going to Too Cool Meadows. That's a hike and a half.

As I entered the big cabin, everything looked so different. The stage was no longer there. The DJ booth was gone as if it was never there. The long table where food is usually at was gone too. All the students were either in their tents or in the hot tubs, getting in that last bit of comfort before the long bus ride home.

On the tables where we've eaten, there were a few boxes of cereal, cartons of milk, and bowls with spoons. I grabbed two bowls and two spoons and poured in some fruit loops to both. Placing them on my arm, I headed over to the drink station where I poured two, freezing cold glasses of orange and apple juice.

The good thing about carrying four objects at a time was my experience as a waiter. Having to carry like ten glasses at a time, while also balancing plates and whatnot was a struggle.

As I headed back on my way towards the tents, I noticed a lot of students taking down their tents.

"Hey Alex," Oliver spoke from the distance. Looking over, I saw the boy folding up his tent, shoving it into the bag it came in.

"What's up?" I asked as I crawled into our tent, placing a bowl and glass beside Julia.

"Last night was crazy. Even got my first kiss." Oliver chuckled as he made his way over.

The closer he got, the closer I stood to the front of the tent, in hopes he couldn't see in to Julia somewhat naked.

"Oliver, you're telling me you're nineteen and you just had your first kiss...I thought you were a pimp," I laughed as I gently shoved him.

I could hear Julia shifting inside the tent, her little moans as the light hit her eyes.

"Oh, come on," Oliver coughed as he shoved me back.

"How was it? And who?" I snorted as I began to eat my cereal before it went soggy.

"Erin, Julia's friend. We decided to head to the hot tubs when you two left. We were the last ones there when everyone had left, and the ball was over, " Oliver explained as he rubbed his stubble.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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