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Yesterday was weird, and Julia and I pretty much bonded. Doing water activities together and actually getting along, then talking at dinner...reading to her, it was weird.

However, all good things come to an end. When Julia woke up, she was back to the same old her, Bully.

I woke up before her, I'm an early bird, as dad says.

Julia woke up an hour or two later when the camp leaders were blowing their whistles.

She gave out hell to me, saying,'You were watching me sleep'. I wasn't just to clarify, I was reading and just so happened to look over when she woke up.

Today, we were engaging in tree climbing and graffiti.

The leaders said if it got too warm, we'd play a couple of games of vollywater. Now, any sane person would have thought they meant water polo.

No, no, no.

It's literally what's it's called: We're playing volleyball, yet there's no ball, its water balloons. The aim is to not pop the balloons.

Once I was dressed in my shorts and t-shirt, I headed out, including Julia, to meet back up with our group.

Julia was placed in group B today, I was kinda thankful, back to being her normal self. I really didn't want that getting to me today. It was warm out, the birds were chirping, and overall, I woke up refreshed and ready to start the day.

I also kinda hoped that she would be in my group... yesterday on the water was fun...

"Okay, can group A follow me please," Bethany asked as she blew her whistle.

Myself and the rest of us followed the blonde girl. She brought us to a large area in the forest. The area looked quite unsettling, like almost misplaced.

As there were white brick walls, some taller than me, some smaller and some I could just about peer over. There were about 8 of these, each a meter or two apart, not lined up, no, they were scattered, some faced me while others were at an angle.

It was like being on some drug, and everything you see looks like someone placed it there. Like modern art in public places.

Like that statue of a whale in my town, it's just sitting beside the bank. We don't live near any water.

Bethany opened her backpack, which revealed many many cans of spray paint. Taking them out, she handed us all six cans each. The majority of us all had the same colours; black and white, red, yellow and purple, and pink.

"Your theme is damaged nature" Bethany spoke.

"You can begin, you all have one hour to complete" she announced as we all began to think of ideas.

I decided to incorporate the nature around me into my peice. Standing on one side of the wall, another student stood already painting away.

I drew a man placing his cigarette on the floor, out, growing from the cigarette was smoke, the smoke was letters saying 'think twice'. Around him I placed leaves and branches, spray painting over them.

It didn't take me long time finish, I think I was the first done.

After cleaning up as well as everyone else, we all went to Donny's group. He stood beside a tall tree that reached the sky. He wore a harness that was attached to a lever.

"Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the graffiti, it's always a classic. Now okay all of yous get harnessed up, make sure its tight enough now...can't have any incidents" Donny chuckled as he handed us all harnesses.

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