The Trip

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"I swear to god Alex, if we're not partnered together, I will lose my shit," Piper warned as we headed to class.

Yesterday was a bit of a rocky start, but I managed to get through it. Once school had ended I decided to get back into the gym, Dad went with me, we stayed there for about three hours before we headed home and got started on dinner, safe to day, after that long day I slept amazingly.

"Everyone, take your seats, I will be announcing partners for your trip next week." The whole class sat, staring up. Friends staying close, hoping to be partnered together. Others remain focused on the teacher at the front of the room, listening in carefully. It was anticipating, to say the least. The fact that there's a 50/50 chance I'll be with Piper.

Winking at Piper, she threw her head back. Exchanging one last glance, I turned back to my desk to see in the corner of my eye, Julia, looking over.

Julia sniggered at me, pointing at her eye as she covered it with her hand.

Ignoring her action, I paid attention to the teacher.

"So first off...we have"

"Daniel and Yuro"

"Samantha and Tj"

"Tyrone and Marco"

I clasped my hands together, almost praying for Piper and I.

"Piper and Alexia"


"Julia and Alex"

Double fuck.

With widened eyes, my mouth dropped open. Before I could even argue, Julia stood up, her chair screeching against the tiles.

"But!" She yelled. Immediately silenced by the teacher, she sat back down with a gruff.

This can't be good.

I looked over my shoulder to Piper, who was already packing her bag up.

"I'm sorry," she muttered as she stood up, leaving the class.

I nodded with a weak smile, looking back to my textbook.

"Okay, perfect, now, let's carry on."

"James and Lily....Ger and Herman.(...)"

"Just so you know I'm not going to be partners with you," Julia hushed.

"Yeah, I got that," I replied under my breath, not looking up as she stared daggers into my side.

The class couldn't have gone any slower, every moment...felt like hours upon hours of torture. With Julia sniggering at everything I said, everything I did.

After finishing my class peice, a pencil drawn landscape. She laughed even more. It was like no matter what I did she found it hilarious.

It wasn't even Julia that got to me, it was everyone. Everyone was afraid of Danny...and Julia is in his group so now she's one of them. Everyone cowers infront of this...this girl!

And it's not like I see her as a threat unlike Danny, she keeps to herself, beside a harmless shove or push. All she really does is laugh at me. It's like she's never satisfied with my actions.

Like I'm the stupid character in a TV show that keeps failing at no matter what they do.

Julia is my observer and I'm her voodoo doll.

"Julia and Alex"

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