Kiss Me

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*this chapter involves smut, so if you don't want to read that, skip. I'll place some (***) at the end of the smut to where you can read again. Hope yous enjoy*

(Julia's POV)

As we entered the tent, the noise from the DJ still could be heard. Everyone was still at the big cabin or at the hottubs. We were the only ones at the tents.

As I watched Alex untie his tie, I couldn't help but let my eyes linger over his body, my eyes trailing from head to toe. He hadn't noticed me yet. He started unbuttoning his red shirt that matched my dress. As he started with the top button I slowly started taking off my heels, not removing my eyes from the boy once. He had me frozen almost, like I just couldn't look away.

"Everything okay?" He asked, noticing my glares. His black suit jacket lay on the floor along with his tie. His shirt, half open as he stood with his hands on his belt.

Gulping, heat rose within my cheeks as I took a few steps closer to him. My heart began to race in my chest with each step I took.

"Julia?" Alex asked again. I placed my finger on his lips, to which he smirked at. Placing his hands on my hips, he tugged harshly, pulling me closer till our bodies were pressed up against each other.

"I.." I started with a whisper.

His eyes softened as he placed one hand on my lower back.

"You?" He spoke softly.

"I want you..." I muttered through my teeth, his eyes widened a bit, I could tell he was shocked about my comment, yet he immediately relaxed his face, his eyes changed. They changed to a deeper more appearing look. He bit his lip as he looked down at me, his hands tightening on my body. I let out a soft whimper, feeling his hands on me.

"Kiss me" he demanded with a soft tone as if he didn't know what to say, or what I wanted to hear.

Nodding softly back, I pulled his head closer, capturing his bottom lip in between my teeth. He let out a soft whine as we began to deepen the kiss. With one swift movement, he picked me up and carefully lay me down on our sleeping bags.

I let out a long moan as I felt Alex's body ontop of mine, his tongue slipping into my mouth.

"You looked so beautiful tonight" Alex mumbled, moving his lips to my jaw then down my neck towards my collarbones.

It doesn't take long for things to get heated, with Alex's hands all over my body, I needed him more than I've ever needed him before. Huffing I sat up abruptly, Alex gave a confused yet concerned look. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before unlacing the corset on my back. Fuck, why did I tie it so tight. Once I had it undone, I pulled the dress off, flinging it to the other side of the tent.

I had forgotten that I was mostly nude underneath, but it was too late to think about such things. All I wanted right now was Alex's hands on me.

He kept his eyes on mine the whole time, not looking away. He looked hungry.

When his lips attach to the top of my breasts everything else falls away. He begins to slightly tug on my skin, then begins to slowly move his lips down towards my nipples, sitting up I unbutton his shirt completely, pulling it off him as he unhooks my black lacy bra.

"Please" I whimper as the feeling of his hot breath trickles over my nipples.

Smirking he pulls his head up, his finger flicking my nipple. I let out a long moan, my hips buckling as pleasure surges through my body. I could already feel the wetness moist my thighs.

I whimper quietly as his teeth graze my nipples, his hand groping my other tit as he begins to massage it, flicking the nipple a couple times.

He knows what he's doing. And I like it.
"Can i?" He whispers softly into my ear as I feel his fingers graze the lining of my panties.

Nodding my head eagerly I place my hand around his neck pulling him back to my lips. His dominant energy heightens as I feel his hands rub my thighs up and down, stopping where the wetness has reached. Without looking into my eyes, he keeps his mouth on my nipples, sucking and grazing.

"Oh-" I moaned out as I felt his fingers come in contact with my pussy through my panties. His fingers carefully slid down my folds, up and down softly, tenderly, before slipping one finger under and inside. My hips buckled, my back arching as I let out a long moan of pleasure.

He slowly moved in and out, watching my body movements, my breasts moving up and down with my breathing.

His pace soon quickened as he added his thumb to my clit. When his thumb starts rubbing my clit I moan even louder, Alex moves his hand up to my face, placing two fingers in my mouth.

"Shh love" Alex whispered as he kissed down my neck, not stopping once at my pussy.

"Al-" I begin but immediately cut myself off with a loud, long moan when he adds a second finger to the combo making me feel dizzy with lust.

He starts moving quicker in me, my body moving up and down, taking his fingers out of my mouth he uses that hand to hold me in place. With his hand on my lower stomach, I feel my body tremble.

"Oh...yes please- Alex" I whimpered as he added a third finger, keeping his momentum fast but steady, his thumb moving in circles on my clit.

He begins to move quicker now, his fingers pumping in me steadily, hitting all the right spots. I could feel it, that pit in my stomach. Letting out a long moan, followed by loud whimpers I tug on his hair, pulling him harshly back to my lips. Slipping my tongue in, I can feel him grinning against my lips. Our lips moved with ease, it was slopy but amazing. Mid kiss, I pulled away, my fingers still tangled in his hair as I let out an embarrassingly loud moan, feeling his fingers penetrate my core.

"Alex- I'm going to-" I start but I can't get my sentence our before Alex curls his fingers inside of me.

I feel him hold my hand that's clutching the sleeping bag under us. "It's okay love, let it out" He whispers softly into my ear. That's all I needed as my legs shook uncontrollably.

When I slowly began to calm down, my body slowly coming back to contact with the ground after arching for so long, I let out a soft whimper feeling Alex slowly withdraw his fingers from me. Looking down at him, I hadn't even noticed he had four fingers in me.

"Was that okay?" Alex softly spoke, crawling up towards me. Taking his hand, I placed his soaking wet fingers in my mouth, licking off the moisture.

With a suprised grin, Alex leaned down and gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead.

***smut us over***

"T-thank you" I muttered out with a soft, nearly silent moan.

"Anything for you Julia" He smiled back.

"Still want to go to the hot tubs?" Alex chuckled as he began to stand up.

Giggling I threw my pillow at him.
"No way, I'm sleeping tonight" I laughed back.

Grinning, Alex headed over to his bag and pulled out some shorts, effortlessly taking off his trousers, he stepped into the white sleeping shorts, sitting down next to me.

"Want some help?" Alex asked, my legs still trembling as he pointed to my pyjamas that sat perfectly folded.

Shaking my head I began to get Into his sleeping bag.

"I'm too hot" I chuckled making room for him. Nodding in agreement he got down in beside me, wrapping his arms around me as we drifted off to sleep.

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