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As the sun shines through the light tent material, I slowly begin to open my eyes.
I try to stretch my arms and legs, yet something appears to be holding me down. Slowly turning my head, looking down, I see a black haired girl attached to my side, arms wrapped firmly around my torso. I carefully brushed away a few strands of hair that were laid, scattered over her face. Julia begins to stir, and I immediately retract my hand, laying still.

Should I pretend I'm still asleep?
Should I get up and act like that didn't happen?

She looks so calm...so peaceful. She looks more at peace asleep than she does awake, like something is always tugging at her when her eyes have opened.

Sighing to myself, I place an arm over Julia, my hand on her back as I draw small circles.

What the fuck am I doing???

I immediately stop, taking my hand away and begin to make a very long....loud...obnoxious yawn.

"Yawnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!" I sang out as I began to stretch out my body, Julia slowly opening her eyes.

As she did, adjusting to the bright sunshine, she immediately jumped up, her arms back to herself.

"Oh, Alex- I'm so -" she began, but I started to chuckle.

Placing a hand on her leg, I shushed her.

"Don't, it was comfortable," I admitted calmly. Standing up, I checked my blocky phone and saw a couple of messages from dad and Tyla asking how everything is. I also got a few from Finnleigh.

Opening Finnleigh and I's chat, I scanned through the texts I hadn't seen.

'I haven't heard from you in a while Alex, I hope you are enjoying your stay' wrote Finnleigh.

'I hope you're enjoying the novel I gave you' another said.

The rest were kinda the same like 'Goodmorning love'.

'Sleep well Alex'

And so forth. My time of being away from him...not talking to him made me realise I didn't get those feelings back for Finnleigh. I had just missed the emotions I felt when I first fell in love with him.

It's been a while since I've committed to a relationship and I guess seeing him made me think I could have that, I could have a relationship of my very own.

I love Finnleigh I really do, he's a great friend and I'm so lucky i was able to see him again after so long and ill definitely cherish that day.

Till then I suppose.

"Come on, we better head to the meeting hall" I spoke as I slipped into a casual outfit. Shorts and a tee.
Once Julia was ready to go, we headed out following the other students who too had just woken up.

Some looked pretty fucking tired. I guess a lot went to the hot tub last night.

Once we had gotten inside the hall, the food stations were set back up again.

Bethany and Donny stood up at the stage, engaging in conversations as students filled their plates.

I decided to grab myself a small bowl of fruit, a yogurt and some apple juice.

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