All You Can Eat

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After our lake activities, we dried up and headed to the centre, near all the cabins, which I assume is where the camp leaders stay. We drew their cabins and all the lamp posts for about three hours until It started getting dark. Our teacher decided to pick back up at it again another day as we have a whole four weeks here awayways.

The dining hall was the same hall we came into first. We had all arrived except this time. Instead of an empty large room, it was filled with long tables and tones of seats in the middle. Beside the tables were bean bags, a couple of TVs, a bubble machine, and a fridge that contained soft drinks and water.

At the top of the room was the stage, and facing it at the end of the room was a long table that stretched from one wall to the other, covering the full width of the room itself.

On that table was a beautiful table cover  that looked like leaves and trees in an intricate pattern.

On the tablecloth were bowls and plates, cutlery and napkins, and most importantly, food. It is dinner, after all.

There was a whole variety of foods, from snacks to meals and meals to sides.

Walking up to the table amongst my classmates, they all packed their plates. Some had one plate with everything on it while others separated theirs onto different bowls and plates.

Kabir loaded his into one bowl. He has rice, sushi, mashed potatoes, beans, fries, chicken, and eggs. It's definitely a combination.

I wasn't feeling too hungry, so I picked up a bread roll and went back to the main table. I began to eat my role when Julia came over and plumped down on the seat opposite me. She, too, had loaded everything onto one plate.

She looked annoyed, her brows furrowed. Probably the first time I've seen her show her anger, usually when Danny pushes me around, she looks so bleh. Like 'I couldn't care less' sorta vibe.

I was struggling to find the words to speak. Do I ask her if she's okay?

Would I have done that when she shoved me into lockers or when she trips me up the hallway? Let's Danny use me like his puppet? Probably not.

"Is everything okay?" I asked softly. My bread roll is still on my plate.

"Fucking teacher won't let me sit without my partner" she groaned.


"Mhm yeah, I mean he did already say that," I replied back, looking at my emotionless bread.

She scoffed at my response.

"Since when did you talk back?" She asked. This was a question.

I shrugged my shoulders, pushing my plate towards her.
Raising a brow, she took the bread, placing it on her plate.

"You don't want it?" She asked, surprised even.

"Mhm no... not really hungry," I replied back. Shrugged, she dipped it into the curry sauce on her plate and dug in.

We made small talk. I mean, small.
She mostly talked about how we could have done better at the lake activity even though we won. She then went on to say how drawing the cabins were boring cause they were too easy, apparently. It's not like I struggled hard or whatever...

It was mostly me listening, I didn't mind. It was better than being called a nerd.

"So you didn't tell me why you know how to pitch a tent nerd," she spoke.

I spoke too soon.

Shrugging my shoulders I crossed my arms, leaning on the table, my cast making one arm float.

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