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"You haven't eaten all day, and I'm pretty sure you didn't eat yesterday either," Julia explained as we headed into our tent. Shrugging my shoulders, I jumped onto my sleeping bag, biting away the pain the solid ground just gave my ass.

"Come on, Alex," Julia muttered as she reached into her bag and pulled out a packed sandwich. Reaching towards me with the food in hand, I shook my head, unzipping my hoodie.

"I'm okay, thanks. I'm not hungry right now," I smiled back softly. Julia hummed to herself, putting it back.

"Today went so quickly." Julia shivered as she began to change into her pyjamas, my eyes glued to the floor to give her privacy.

Once she was done, I began to change, Julia got zipped up into her sleeping bag, facing away.

"Honestly, these four weeks will go so quick," I muttered back, turning my night light on.

Nodding in agreement, we both snuggled up in our sleeping bags.

"Can you read again tonight?" Julia asked as she tilted her head at me.
Smiling sheepishly, I agreed.

"We should go swimming tomorrow since it's a relaxation day," Julia suggested.

Humming, I took out my book.

"Doesn't relaxation mean sleeping all day?" I chuckled. Julia groaned, shoving me slightly.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun, plus we can jump off the cliff - wait, no, I'm sorry too high, we can jump off the peirs...that's not too high for you, right?" Julia stammered out. With a red tint on her face and a soft smile, I chuckled to myself, opening the book.

"Meh, I'll see." I laughed.

"Whatever, read on," Julia snorted.

As I opened the page where I had last left off on Julia, she moved closer to me, I guess to hear it more clearly?

"So where were we?" I mummered out as I moved my finger down the paragraphs.

"It was the part where she's fighting with the shopkeeper," Julia whispered, her eyes glued to the book in my hands.

Raising a brow with a slight chuckle.
"Who knew you were so invested in a romance novel?"

Julia's eyes widened with a grin as she slapped my shoulder. "Fuck off Alex, read".

Acting as if it hurt badly I whined. "Oh well since you demanded your honour."

Smirking up at me, I turned my focus back to the novel.

"I know my rights as a citizen, you can not kick me out," she spoke, the shop keeper raised his hand in the and yelling at me to leave. Grabbing my shopping cart, I rammed it into the till with an angry face before running out the automatic doors. " I read.

"I was fuming, how dare he treat me like nothing, I quickly loaded my bought and stolen goods into my car when all of a sudden I heard an annoying sound ringing through my ears, followed by flashing red and blue light, fuck, just great. This is what I needed, " I whispered more, my eyes glancing at Julia here and there. Her eyes began to slowly close, her head completely flat on the tent's rocky floor. Placing the book down, I grabbed her pillow that was near her feet and placed it under her head carefully- incase to wake her.

"Goodnight Julia," I whispered as I turned my nightlight off and drifted off to sleep.

Once I heard the bird chirping and the sun glazing down, I knew it was time to get up.

Wait, never mind, it's a relaxation day today. Thank fuc-

"You are not going back to sleep."

Slowly looking over, Julia, closer than the other nights, was propping her head up on her hand.

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