Look all I'm saying is Pearl is not the bad guy" Lute paused the movie credits. She and Adam are having a movie night at her place and of course, we're watching Pearl.
Adam looked at her like she was crazy. "She killed like four people just in this movie. That's not even going into the movie X"
"I get Pearl though. She simply just wants a better life" Lute defended her argument. "Sometimes you just gotta stab for it."
"Yeah, then you become a serial killer for like sixty years after" Adam went on. "I can not imagine committing crimes with someone for that long" Adam felt bad for Howard. He survived World War One and then came back home and his wife was having dinner with her dead parents. Adam would probably lose his sanity also.
"Well I understand Pearl" Lute once again praised the poor girl. "I think it would be nice to spend life with someone and commit crimes together" She looked at Adam.
Adam shrugged. "I guess it would be nice to share that fucked upness together. Anyways I better head out it's pretty late" he stood up.
"Do you have work tomorrow or something" Lute joked. She knew Adam's schedule was wide open. Not that she could judge. Her schedule was also wide open when she wasn't working.
"Haha very funny" Adam retorted. "I'm going to the library."
"Are you going to read more Ernest Hemmingway" Lute asked.
"Fuck no" Adam stated. "I'm going to read The Book of Enoch" He decided he would read theology. It was more interesting than wives dying.
"Not what I was expecting but good for you," Lute said. She was happy Adam was doing more stuff. "Have you done anything with your music?"
He shook his head. Lute saw how he fidgeted with his wedding band. "No, I'm not ready"
"That fair I-" before Lute could finish. her sentence a popping sound was heard. "What was that?" She stood up quickly and looked around.
"I don't know it might be some kids fucking around with fireworks or firecrackers" he walked to the window to see outside. Another went off. Lute screamed and hit the floor as if she were attacked. "Lute!" Adam ran over.
She was covering her ears. Her knees were to her chest. She was leaning against the couch. "It's not Fourth of July. We're being attacked" She started to hyperventilate.
Adam knew then and there she was having a panic attack. He sat down next to her. "Lute it's okay. It's just some kids" he said calmly. "You're having a panic attack"
"I'm not!" she screamed. Her eyes started to tear up. "We're being ambushed and-"
Adam placed his hand on her knee. "Lute I need you to name three objects you see"
"What" Lute breathed. Unsure what Adam just asked.
"Lute what are three things you see right now" Adam went on.
She looked around. Her breathing was still erratic. "I see the Rubber Duck we stole on the mantle" She looked at the ugly duck. Fond memories struck her.
"Great what else" Adam encouraged her.
She looked some more. "I see my medal from my army days hanging on the wall. I see my running shoes by the door"
"Aweomse name three things you can smell," Adam told her.
"I smell you," Lute said. "You smell like nature" Her breathing was getting better. "I smell the popcorn from earlier" She saw the empty bowl on the coffee table. "And I smell..." It was hard finding a third thing. "I smell" she kept trying to smell. "I don't know"

Harmony in Chaos (AdamXLute)
FanfictionAdam and Lute meet at court-mandated therapy and shenanigans ensure. Loosely based on Silver Linings Playbook. By the same person as Chaos in Harmony.