Chapter 26

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AN/  I'm back and not dead!

Lucifer walked into the police station aggressively. He.Was.Done. He knew for a fact that Adam had messed up his house. First, his garden was dying. He had no idea what happened but he knew it was Adam. The way the plants wilted overnight was a clear sign of poison. Second, his doorknobs were covered in honey. There was no way in hell he or Lilith did that. He hated sticky surfaces. Third, his Roman Rubber duck was stolen. Fourth and finally his trophy was stolen. The car show he happened to beat Adam at. He knew it was all him.

"Excuse me." Lucifer stepped in front of a police officer's desk. It was the same officer who did an awful job with his car.

Sera looked up from her paperwork. She knew it was going to be one of those days. "How can I help you sir?"

"Adam my brother broke into my house." Lucifer snapped at her. "He put honey on my doorknobs."

Now Sera was confused. "I'm sorry he what?" She was unsure if she heard him correctly.

Lucifer put his hands on her desk. "He broke into my house. He put sticky honey on my door knobs and stole a rubber duck." Lucifer was mad about the trophy but the duck was so much more important. "He also bewitched my plants and now they are dying."

Sera was still lost. "Do you have proof?"

"If I did I would be turning it in." Lucifer seethed. "Go to my brother's house and arrest him. He broke in that's illegal."

"But he didn't steal anything of value correct?" Sera asked.

"He stole my rubber duck that's priceless!" Lucifer threw his hands up angrily.

Sera could feel a migraine forming. She was going to agree to get this man away. "Very well I will go pay a visit to him." She put her paperwork away. This was not on her agenda but it would be nice to get out.

She drove to Adam's house hoping he was making good choices. He had been doing better these last few months. He was a far cry from how he used to be. Lute seemed to be a good influence for him. As Sera walked up to the house she noticed it was empty. She pulled out her phone and called Adam. A few rings later and nothing. "Hey Adam it's Sera. I'm at your house right now can you give me a call? Thanks." She walked back to her car wondering where Adam could be.
"That was a fast plane ride," Adam said as they entered the airport from the terminal. Lute was holding Adam's hand much to his pleasure.

"Easy for you to say you slept like a baby. Meanwhile, I was about to gut the person behind me." Lute complained. "They wouldn't quit kicking my seat."

"Lute that was a six-year-old child," Adam told her.

"And that's why I told them Santa didn't exist instead of killing them. I think that's an improvement." Lute bragged. She liked to think she was getting a better hold of her anger.

"True. Okay, where to first?" Adam asked.

"I want to gamble. Where are we staying again?" Lute asked.

"Caesars Palace" Adam smiled. "I'm going to live like a Roman Emperor" Adam saw how opulent the hotel was and had to book. They were going to be here for one night. It was going to be a long drive back home.

"Sick we can compete in gladiatorial combat." Lute's eyes lit up. "I wish we could settle arguments with fights to the death."

"That would be nice I would destroy Lucifer," Adam said. As he was about to say more he looked at his phone. Sera had called. "Fuck." he stopped walking.

"Are you good?" Lute looked at him with concern.

"Sera called." he showed Lute his phone.

"Fuck what did she want?" Lute racked her brain wondering what they did now.

Harmony in Chaos (AdamXLute)Where stories live. Discover now