Chapter 28

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AN/ My b for slow updates...

Halloween was here and Lute was ecstatic, to say the least. She loved the spooky season with all her heart. She loved the gore, costumes, decor, and of course the terror. She had survived the army everything else in her life was downhill. On top of all that it was her Birthday. "Alright, Adam." She walked up to him in the living room. He was currently playing Kid Icarus.

"Yeah" He looked at the screen and continued playing.

"We need to pick out Halloween costumes." She told him. "I want to dress up as Pearl from the movie Pearl." Lute related to Pearl.

Adam paused the game. He looked at Lute. "I want to dress up as Beetlejuice." He wanted to be chaotic and dry his hair green.

"Why it will clash with my red dress. I'll look like Lydia." She complained.

"Come on you should be Lydia." He told her.

"But I'm a star, " she joked. That was her favorite line from the movie. Pearl didn't get the role she auditioned for and screamed out how she was a star. Lute understood her. She, too, would go on a murderous rampage for sixty-plus years if she didn't get what she wanted.

"What do we want to do for Halloween by the way?" He figured they could throw pranks, party, or both. "Your Birthday is also on Halloween so we have to do something."

"I say for my Birthday we get revenge on the Vees. We can go to the party and lace the drinks with laxatives." She saw them posting a million ads for their house party. It would all be live-streamed as well.

"Sounds good to me. Birthday Revenge is always a nice choice." Adam agreed. He would do whatever Lute wanted. He wanted her to feel special. "What about Lucifer?" He would love to scare his brother. It never got old throwing pranks on them.

"I don't know I would say sacrifice him to satan but he is satan so..." She shrugged.

"True" Adam had to think. "What about Carmilla's daughters? We had our asses handed to us last time. I think we should flip the script. That would be a nice Birthday gift." He was not a fan of the crazy twins but wanted to get revenge. It would be the best Birthday gift for Lute.

Lute sat down next to him. "How though? We can't do hand-to-hand combat. Plus we don't even know if they'll even be in the neighborhood that night." They were teenagers and more than likely partying somewhere.

"True how about we just prank the Vees and walk around afterwards. We can see what to do after." Adam suggested. He was excited to spend the evening out with Lute.

Lute turned to him excitedly. "We need to take you trick or treating as well. I guess Beetlejuice is kid-friendly." She could not wait for all the candy. Adam would love it. Free candy tasted better than paid candy.

"Okay, so we trick or treat first. Get free candy. Drop it off here. Put on disguises. Then go to the Vees. Finally, ending our night however, you want since it's your B-day." Adam was so excited now. He had never done anything like this before. This was the first time in a long time he was genuinely excited about something. He was excited to celebrate Lute as well.

"I love it!" Lute was already scheming. "Let's pick up our costumes later and get a shit load of laxatives." She was excited to mess with the Vees. It had been a long time since they messed with them. They needed to be humbled again. She was also excited it was her Birthday. She never really had someone to celebrate it with.
Lute awoke and felt the bed was empty. She reached out and saw Adam was gone. That was odd he was always sleeping in. She got up and walked out. "Surprise" Adam smiled. He made sure to be calm telling her surprise. He didn't want to trigger her PTSD. He was holding a basic cake. The living room was lightly decorated with black, gold, and white streamers. There was a Happy Birthday banner strung up on the wall.

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