Chapter 17

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AN/ Welcome back

Lute walked out with Sera into the parking lot. She was in shock, to say the least. It was a lot to process. Lucifer was Adam's half-brother... Adam came from a big and wealthy family. He had been somewhat of a dick to Eve. It was just a lot...

"Did you find what you need?" Sera looked at Lute.

Lute was always quiet but this quiet was different. She seemed shocked. "Yes" was all she said.

"I'll drop you off now" Sera led Lute to her car. A short driver later Lute walked into her house. She was sad to be back. She wanted to be with Adam. It was later in the day and Lute got ready for dinner. She made a basic salad. She ate her salad and wished Adam was here to talk through dinner. He was always talking.

Lute cleaned up and got ready for bed. As she lay there in Adam's sweatshirt she was miserable. She missed him so much. She leaned over imagining his sleeping form. He of course was not there. Lute sat up and looked around her room. It was bare. Similar to Adam's. She had just moved in. She was not one for decor. Lute sighed she wanted to go to Adam's and sleep there. She got out of bed and decided to sleep at his house. He wouldn't notice of course.

As Lute walked to Adam's house it was the middle of the night. She took in her surroundings. Everyone else was asleep and the night was peaceful. She wondered what it was like to never get nightmares. Never worry about when you could get hurt. To never have mental scars. She wished she was normal. She wondered if that was one reason she hated Vaggie so much. Vaggie was so normal. Everything came easy to Vaggie whereas Lute had to fight her way for anything.

Lute arrived at Adam's house and walked in. The house had not been touched for about two weeks. She cleaned around the house. She picked up the spilled vodka and made a mental note to buy more. She tidied up the house and made it smelled clean instead of stale.

She walked to the bed and passed out on Adam's side. She was exhausted. Today was just so exhausting. A few hours later Lute awoke to a knocking on the door. She wiped the sleep from her eyes and looked at her phone. It was 12. She had slept a lot longer than she meant to. She crawled out of bed and went to the door. She wondered who was knocking.

She opened the door and was greeted by a woman. She had a black and white outfit on. "Can I help you?" Lute asked in her monotone voice.

"My name is Carmilla Carmine and I'm the president of HOA," the woman told her in an assertive tone.

"The fuck is HOA?" Lute asked. She was tired and not in the mood to deal with bullshit.

"Homeowners association. We work to ensure the neighborhood is kept up and safe" she went on. "The last few weeks it appears there have been vandals."

"That's crazy"

"Yes we are making a neighborhood watch group." the woman told her. "On top of all that I'm here to let you know your grass is unkept and the front yard landscape needs to be fixed up. We've left multiple letters but it seems to have gone ignored"

Lute knew Adam's landscape was rough due to the absence of Eve and her garden skills. He was also not a fan of manual labor. "And?" Lute said rudely. "It's not a big deal"

"This neighborhood needs to look nice. This house needs some work" Carmilla's eyes wandered around.

"Well, Adam who lives here is in a psych ward right now. So unless you can cut the yard. You're shit out of luck" Lute snapped. She hated this lady so much. Who gives a shit about someone else's house.

Carmilla narrowed her eyes at Lute. "Then who are you?"

"His friend" she slammed the door on the obnoxious lady. Lute was now fuming. Who did she think she was? Showing up at someone's house to judge them. Outside looked fine to Lute. It was a bit unkept but no one was dying or getting hurt.

Harmony in Chaos (AdamXLute)Where stories live. Discover now