Chapter 10

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Lute sat at her kitchen table eating some breakfast. She wanted to go run but it was pouring out. She stared at her eggs wishing Adam was here. She was still feeling upset after his comment. Sure he was trying to make things less awkward but it still hurt. Lute looked at her watch. She had a long day ahead of her. She also had Lucifer today. She was going to poke and proud about his life.

Lute arrived at the gym already to get the day over. She debated on texting Adam but they had group therapy tonight. She would see him them. She waited for Lucifer. He then walked in wearing a white Lululemon t-shirt and black pants. Lute made a mental note about the Lululemon. That was one of the most expensive sports apparel to own. Lute only owned two or three things from their clothesline.

"Hey Lute" he slithered in like the snake he was.

Lute once again plastered a smile on. Her face was going to hurt today. "Lucifer so happy you could join us" They then walked to the first stop of the day. The treadmill. Little did he know Lute rigged it. She had set the treadmill to go mountain mode. The treadmill would start going at an incline but Lute set it up to go fast. Therefore Lucifer would be running uphill quickly. If he messed up his footing (which he would) he would be launched off it. Lute was ready.

Lucifer got on it and started talking to her. "So how's your week been?"

"It's been fine. Same old same old" she told him. Not really she and Adam broke into their parole officer's house.

"Nice what does that consist of" Lucifer was trying to get to know her. Lute hated to admit it but he was good at talking. Adam when he talked was abrupt but Lucifer was smooth and calculating. Every question asked was not without reason.

"Just work and personal exercising," Lute told him. Being mysterious and vague. She knew Lucifer would like that.

Lucifer looked her up and down. "I can see the exercise is working for you"

Lute hated how he looked at her. "Thank you" she once again faked a smile. She wanted to kill him.

The treadmill then did what it was intended to do. "Hey, Lute I think this is going fast and uphill" Luicfer's voice started to sound worried. He gripped the bars. Trying to hang on.

"It should be fine" Lute kept her voice monotone. She was so ready.

"Lute it's going fast!" Lucifer was now panicking. He was running fast. "Lute!" he yelled but as he did the treadmill launched him off and into other equipment.

Lute smiled as he was evicted from the treadmill. She quickly composed herself and walked over to Lucifer. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah I'm good" Lucifer stood up and dusted himself off. "Let's continue" he was trying to sound normal. He was physically hurt. Lute could already see a bruise on his leg.

The next hour was miserable for Lucifer. Lute made him work. She had made sure to put Lucifer on the faulty equipment. The elliptical machine 'broke' and ruined Luicfer's shoes. Lute also made him lift weights that were wrongly labeled. Overall Lucifer was exhausted afterward. They finished the last lap outside. The weather had cleared up. Lute made sure he wore the worst shoes for running. "Do you need a drink?" Lute offered.

"Yes, please. Everything hurts" Lucifer sat on a bench and rubbed his foot. "Can you get me a cherry Gatorade please?"

"Yes, I can" Lute walked away. She was happy she put Lucifer through the wringer he deserved it after what he did to Adam. She did see how Lucifer kept flirting with her. It straight up annoyed Lute but she played along. She got the Gatorade and walked back. She saw Lucifer texting on his phone. He was so annoying with his stupid white outfit on. Lute then looked at the red bottle she had an idea.

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