AN/ I was sick and built a shelf. It gave me an idea for this chapter.
Adam was bored. He hated being bored. He sat on the couch with Lute next to him. She was watching a TV show about the horrors of World War 2. It was Saturday therefore they were both taking it easy before the chaos of the Holidays came full swing. As Adam tried to focus on the TV he was still bored. His phone offered little amusement.
"Sweden declared its neutrality in September 1939," The TV said.
Adam started to think about Sweden. What did they offer to the world? It then hit him IKEA!
"Lute!" Adam sat up in excitement.
"What?" She quit slouching and looked at him with concern.
"What if? Here me out." He told her. "We go to IKEA today?" It would be the perfect cure for his boredom. He had only been once with Eve and she made the experience miserable. She rushed him the whole time and the worst part was he couldn't partake in eating the famous Swedish Meatballs they served.
"IKEA?" Lute looked at him oddly. "I've never been." She knew they were a Swedish furniture store but that was it.
"Oh my God, Lute you are so missing out." Adam's eyes were lit up in excitement. "It's a massive furniture store like Costco but you know furniture. You walk around and see what you like. As you walk around you can eat at their cafeteria. They have the best meatballs ever!"
"Let's say we go." Lute paused the TV. "What do we need?" She looked around at Adam's house. It was furnished pretty well.
"You see that ugly ass bookshelf in the corner." Adam pointed to it. It was a tall white bookshelf with only a few things on it. "Eve would put her books on it but after the divorce, I don't use it. Let's get rid of it and buy a new bookshelf."
"Are you actually going to put books on the bookshelf?" Lute questions him. She loved Adam but he was not one to read.
Adam made a disgruntled face. "No... I'll put... I don't know." he shrugged. "It doesn't matter I want a new shelf. Let's go to IKEA."
"Can't argue with that logic" Lute shrugged.
IKEA was like the Wild West of furniture stores. Lute felt like she was walking back into battle. People were running around as if the end was upon them. "Wow," She clutched Adam's arm as they walked into the chaos known as IKEA.Adam was pushing a cart ready to go. "I know isn't it something." He gazed at the store like it was sunset.
"To say the least." Lute was holding onto Adam like a lifeline.
The duo started in the first section just simply looking around at the array of furniture. Anything one needed was here. "Oh look at the Bergshult" Adam walked over to a white shelf.
"The what?" Lute could have sworn he just said bird shit.
Adam laughed a little. "By the way, the furniture is named in Swedish." He loved how baffled she was. He liked it more than her usual stoic self.
"That makes sense," she mumbled to herself. "What about that lamp?" She pointed to an ornate gothic-looking lamp. It did not go with a single thing in Adam's house.
Adam made a face. "Eww no, what I am welcoming Nosferatu to my house." It was odd-looking and very out of place for IKEA.
"I like it." Lute crossed her arms and walked over to it. She flipped over the price tag and saw it was a whopping $400. "Not for that price though."
Adam snorted. "Damn for four hundred dollars that lamp better light up my future."
Now Lute was laughing. "I know right who do these Swedes think they are with their affordable health care and high standard of living? God the audacity." She shook her head and walked back over to Adam.

Harmony in Chaos (AdamXLute)
FanfictionAdam and Lute meet at court-mandated therapy and shenanigans ensure. Loosely based on Silver Linings Playbook. By the same person as Chaos in Harmony.