Chapter 23

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What?" Lute was unsure what she heard. "Get revenge on ourselves?"

"Yes hear me out," Adam explained. "Sera is onto us. However, if we destroy our own stuff it will throw her off." Adam knew he was a genus. This was a surefire way.

"I don't know I like my stuff and I don't have the money to replace my more expensive things," Lute told him.

"We can destroy my stuff." Adam offered. He could afford new stuff. He also wouldn't mind new stuff. He looked around "So what should we destroy?"

"Wait hang on let's think this out." Lute needed a plan. "When do we do this? How are we going to set this up? What makes you think this will work?" She admired how Adam had confidence but it could be dangerous.

"We can commit the crime in three days from now," Adam told her.

The rest of the afternoon they planned. "We need a holy grail," Lute said.

"What?" Adam looked up at her. They were at the dining room table trying to work on the plan.

"We need to destroy something to you that matters if we want to sell this," Lute explained. "I think I know what it is"

"Don't say it" Adam whispered.

"Your car is going to have to get hit." Lute looked at him apologetically. "I can make it fast. Just scratch it and break a window. It doesn't have to be catastrophic"

Adam bit his lip. "Fine," he said. "I have insurance and all that. This is going to hurt."
The plan was simple. Adam and Lute would go to the movies and come back to a destroyed house. Except not really. They would see the movies around 8 pm. Come back home and destroy the home. Then call the police at 11:00 pm saying they were at the movies. To solidify they were at the movies. Adam would take a selfie of them and post it when the crime was supposedly committed which would be around 9:30 pm.

It was around 8 pm when they arrived at the movies. "I hope this works" Adam grabbed some popcorn. He and Lute wore their hoodies so no one would notice them.

"Oh, it will," Lute said with confidence. Adam took a selfie with her. They wanted to make sure the time stamp was the same as the crime. He would of course post it later.

"At least we get to see the rerun of The Exorcist" Adam smiled. He loved that movie even if it was cheesy. They walked into the theatre and found their seats.

"I do love a good demon possession movie." Lute loved horror. She was glad Adam did as well.

"I'm glad you want to do this Eve would never." Adam rolled his eyes. "She got to freaked out easily. It was so annoying."

Lute shook her head. "What a loser"

The movie started. Adam didn't know whether to be horrified or impressed that Lute would laugh at the scary scenes. The theatre would be screaming in terror but Lute would only smile. During intense scenes, Lute would sit on the edge of her chair with a glint in her eyes. He liked it more than Eve cuddling into him during horror movies. He kinda thought Lute would be scared and need to hold his hand. He was sorta sad that wasn't the case however seeing her smile as the main character's head spun around made it worth it. He hadn't seen her smile like that in a while.

Adam didn't watch the movie. He watched Lute. He loved seeing her reaction to the gruesome scenes. The movie wrapped up. Lute turned to Adam. "I forgot how much I loved that movie."

"I'm glad you liked it!" Adam made a mental note to watch more horror movies with her.

They walked out of the movie and theatre and back to Adam's. Lute held Adam's hand on the way back home. At first, Adam was startled but he liked it. They arrived at Adam's and made sure to sneak in through the back.

Harmony in Chaos (AdamXLute)Where stories live. Discover now