AN/Based off the season 4 episode of Bob's Burgers where they go camping.
"Lute have you thought about a new hobby" Peter asked her. They were in his disgustingly bright office.
Lute did not want to be here. She wanted to tell him to go fuck himself. But if she did Peter would tell Sera and it would be a whole ass situation. "I like exercising is that not good enough" she snapped. Her arms were crossed and she was glaring daggers at Peter. He seemed to deflect them with a preppy attitude and upbeat smile.
"Lute exercise is great I just don't want you to get burned out that's all." he told her kindly.
"I guess I can find something to do." Lute sighed.
"Perfect," Peter wrote down on his notepad. "Maybe you and Adam can do something together. You two seem to be getting close" Peter could see how well they both helped one another. Adam seemed to be calmer and Lute happier. He wondered what they did in their free time...
Lute looked at him oddly. "What?" She did not want Peter to know about their crimes.
"Lute it's okay to have friends. Adam is a nice guy." Peter assured her.
Lute just nodded. "My hour is over I'm ready to go" She wanted to get out of there and see what Adam was doing. She did not want to talk about friendship.
Peter smiled. "You've been making great progress. I'll make sure to add that to your chart. How about your homework is to find a new hobby or interest? Baking is a good start"
"I can try" Lute sighed and stood up. "I'll see you later"
She walked out of the cheery office happy to be free. Now she just had to find a hobby. Despite hating therapy if they gave her homework she would do it. It was still the marine in her.
Lute walked into Dick's sporting goods. She knew Adam would have a field day laughing at the name. Sometimes Lute could have sworn he was a twelve-year-old boy. He was so immature sometimes or really all the time. She grabbed a buggy and started walking around. She saw some frisbees but she wasn't a dog. She saw no appeal. She saw some golf clubs but she knew golf was for men who were too afraid to ask other men to just walk around and talk. She found some throwing axes but if she bought them it would be tempting to throw them at Vaggie. She spotted some tennis rackets but she hated tennis people. They were too serious or too preppy like Peter. She was getting annoyed. This was hard. She pulled out her phone to distract herself. As she was scrolling on Instagram she saw a post from Charlie...It was a picture of Charlie and Vaggie with a bunch of Girl Scouts. They all, of course, had on the tacky gear.
Can't wait to go camping this weekend with the Girl Scouts!!! I remember my first camping trip like it was yesterday.....The post kept going and Lute was about to throw up from all the positive energy Charlie would post about. Charlie would also write paragraphs on her post. It annoyed Lute. Lute preferred seeing people post family drama and why their life sucked. It was fun watching that in real-time.
As Lute looked at the disgusting post she had an idea. She had camped before and enjoyed it. She had survived many many harsh climates when she was in the army.
"We're going camping" Lute slammed the gear on Adam's coffee table.Adam looked at her and burst into laughter. She didn't laugh. "Wait what?" he then knew she was serious. "Lute I'm a city boy! I cannot shit in the wilderness" Adam hated the outdoors. That was and will always be Eve's thing.
"You're a suburban boy and we'll you're gonna take a shit in the wilderness this weekend," she told him. "Peter said I should go camping and-"
"Wait a second Peter told you to go camping" Adam caught the lie immediately. If Peter told Lute to go camping she would do the exact opposite and go to Disney, a cruise, or the beach. Not camping.

Harmony in Chaos (AdamXLute)
FanfictionAdam and Lute meet at court-mandated therapy and shenanigans ensure. Loosely based on Silver Linings Playbook. By the same person as Chaos in Harmony.