Chapter 22

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Sorry for not updating sooner. Fyi this week will be Guitarspear week and I'm writing for that therefore don't expect an update this week. It will be on AO3 if you're interested. 


The lake trip ended and it was time to go home. Lute was happy with how it all went. She told Adam about herself and he didn't judge her. She was happy she was able to open up to him. She felt free.

"So what's the plan when we get home?" Lute asked as Adam put the car in drive.

"Sleep I'm tired," Adam said looking at the road. He was happy that Lute opened up to him. He felt terrible about all that she had been through. He could sorta see why she acted out in certain ways. He could see why she felt betrayed by Vaggie.

"From what we just relaxed the whole time" Lute sounded astonished. She was ready to get back to work and exercise. She ate terribly this weekend.

"I know but it was exhausting" Adam complained. "It's hard not doing anything" Adam was lazy anywhere and everywhere. He was notorious for saying "I need a vacation while on vacation." It would drive Eve mad.

"You're so weird," Lute told him. She looked out the window admiring the countryside.

"I'm weird" Adam laughed. "You would cut Barbie's doll heads off"

Lute smirked. "Some of my best work if I do say so myself"

Adam laughed. "I can't imagine you playing with Barbie you're s hardcore."

"What can I say" Lute shrugged. "Speaking of crazy I have an idea"

"Okay, what?" Adam was intrigued.

"We steal Luicfer's car and drop it off at an empty lot" Lute explained. "It's been a minute since we've done anything. Plus Lucifer doesn't deserve his car. We'll just scare him you know. Make him think his car is gone forever"

"I love it!" Adam smiled. "However how do we get the keys?"

"The keys?" Lute looked at him oddly. "I can hot wire the car" Lute learned a lot from her summer camps. "It's an old car it's easy"

"Then tonight we steal Lucifer's car" Adam was so ready. He knew his dear half-brother Luci would freak out. Since Adam was a kid Lucifer was obsessed with old cars. Especially the Chevy Bel Airs. The rest of the drive they talked about other stuff. It was fast and they were soon back at Adam's.

Lute unpacked and just threw her stuff in the washer and or the drawer Adam gave her. She wanted to move in but didn't know how Adam would feel about that. She didn't want to make anything awkward but she just loved being near Adam. He made her feel safe. He made her feel normal.

Adam watched Lute put away her clothes and unpack. He was tempted to tell her to move in. They did so much together at this point. They might as well be married. However, Adam didn't want to lead Lute on. That would be mean and the last thing he wanted was to hurt her. "Wanna watch movies while we wait for the sun to set?" Adam asked her.

"Sounds good to me" Lute sat down on the couch. Adam joined her. It felt good to be normal again. Adam could not wait to steal Luicfer's car. It was going to be hilarious. Adam could see him losing his mind.

Hours passed and it was around 10 pm. "Are you ready?" Lute asked.

"Born ready" Adam smiled.

They walked to Lucifer's ugly house. The car was parked outside. If Adam had to guest Lilith's car was in the garage. He knew how she was about her own stuff. They camped for a second to make sure no one would see them. As Adam looked into his house with Lute's binoculars he saw Eve was there as well. He gripped them. "Will you be okay?" Lute asked concerned. She would rather not have Eve be the cause of any issues tonight.

Harmony in Chaos (AdamXLute)Where stories live. Discover now