Chapter 20

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"I was in the Psych ward for a month then I was in it a few weeks ago," Adam said robotically. He sat across Peter in the leather chair. He hated being here. His sessions had gotten more intense due to his last break.

"Why were you in it both times" Peter asked. He knew the answer but having Adam tell him firsthand was a therapy technique. It helped Adam come to closure on what was wrong with him. It also helped him realize the second time around was not Lute's fault.

Adam took a deep breath and looked at Peter. "I caught my wife Eve having sex with my half-brother in the shower. I snapped and beat him up. The cops were called and I was admitted. I lost my wife, my job, and my sanity"

"Do you still want Eve back?" Peter asked.

Adam looked away and back at Peter. He took another deep breath. "As of recently no. I've found better things in my life"

Peter nodded and wrote some notes. He then looked up at Adam. "Why were you admitted a second time"

Adam swallowed a lump in his throat. "I saw Lute. No I mean I saw Lucifer force himself onto Lute and kissed her" he refused to play into Lucifer's false narrative. "I lost it and heard the damn song playing. I also thought I saw Lilith and Eve but it turns out that's a side effect of a mental breakdown. I was then committed for two weeks."

Peter nodded again. "How have you been since then?"

Adam looked away once again and back at Peter trying to form an answer. "Good, I've been good. I've been focusing more on healthier activities. I made Lute dance with me. Emily was telling me dancing is a good outlet"

"How wonderful" Peter smiled. "Have you picked up singing and playing an instrument again?"

"No" Adam shook his head. "I'm still not ready"

"That's alright no rush" Peter assured him. "How are you and Lute doing?"


"Good" Peter's eyebrow lifted. "Just good?"

"Well yeah. We do a lot together now. We go grocery shopping. We eat out. We work out together. I've lost ten pounds already thanks to her diet and exercise routine" Adam explained. "We still share a bed but we're not doing anything sexual. And I'm happy about that. It would be harder to involve sex" Peter was a bit surprised at that answer but didn't want to pry. "I will say" Adam leaned forward as if he were to tell a secret. "I don't know anything about her."

"What do you mean?" Peter asked.

"I don't know what happened to her in the army. All I know was she was medically discharged and now has PTSD. Her body is also scarred" Adam had looked at her body as they worked out. Not to be a creep but to see if he could figure anything out. He saw what appeared to be a bullet hole wound on her hip. Her left arm had a scar going all the way around like a bracelet. However, it was skillfully hidden by a tattoo. Her back had several scars where shrapnel could have hit her. But all in all, Adam didn't know anything for sure. He wasn't a trained medical professional. "I also know she was a Girl Scout" Peter smiled at that. "I know right" Adam laughed. "I can't see her acting like that but yeah. I truthfully don't know anything about her yet I've told her everything about me"

"Why do you think that is?" Peter asked.

"I can't ever shut the fuck up?" Adam shrugged. "I mean I am way more talkative than Lute."

"You're more extroverted whereas she is introverted" Peter explained. "It's easier for you to open whereas it is hard for her. She's the one not used to conversation"

"Is it due to the army? Like, don't talk unless spoken to type of thing?" Adam racked his brain. He liked to think he was approachable to Lute.

"Adam, do you remember when Lute told you why she got fired at work?" Peter asked.

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