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Today it's Saturday the kids doesn't have school so Louis decide to take the kids to the park with Niall, and he left the triplets cleaning the house, now they realize how hard it is to do something by yourself, Harry is doing the living room, Marcel is doing the kitchen and Edward is doing the bathrooms.

"I need to take a fucking break, my back hurts like a bitch", Harry said holding his back,
"Oh my dear lord this is so hard, I can't feel my fucking arms" Edward shouts from upstairs.
"Louis was so right this is really hard to do by yourself, we've been cleaning for an hour and a half and we're already tired as fuck, and poor Louis he do this every single day by himself and he never complain about it once ", said Marcel.

"We need to help him more often it's not fair for him" said Harry with the vacuum cleaner in his hand. "Yeah he's so fucking right this is so hard to do and yes we should help him more", Edward agreed.

After 4 hours straight cleaning the house without a break they were out of breath they all was laying down on the floor, none of them can move a muscle, they heard the door open but they didn't move.

"Wow it's so clean in here well done boys, but can one of you tell me what are you doing laying down on the floor, you're tired aren't you?" Louis asked, they only nodded slowly they have no energy to even talk.

When they woke up from the floor they set down on the couch next to Louis "where are the kids" asked Harry "don't worry they are at Niall's, so tell me about your day, how was it?" "You want to know how it was, hard as fuck babe" Edward told him.

"Good, did you felt how I feel every day" and they nod. " from now on me and my brother decide to start helping you", "Thank you so much Marcel I appreciate", "we should thank you not you thank us, should we cuddle for a bit?", "Yes you deserve it after this day".

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