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In an old and abandoned building, just outside of New York at night.

Dominic Stone inters the building, alone and not knowing where he was going.

Dominic Stone

I was starting to wonder when you were going to arrive. (Pulling out his gun)


Thank you for coming Mr. Stone! (Lurking in the shadows of the building a little bit)

Dominic Stone

Well, thank you for calling I guess?! (Putting back his gun behind his belt)

So, what do you want or who do you want dead, really, I do pretty much everything these days.


Straight to business I see.

Dominic Stone

Always. I'm a man of business.

So, what do you want me to do?


First, I have question for you Mr. Stone.

Dominic Stone

Sure, what is it?


Do you know who I am?

Dominic Stone

(Laughs a little) No idea. Pretty much what everybody knows that you're probably the best of your kind and nobody knows who you really are. You are literally a shadow in this world.


Not bad Mr. Stone.

Dominic Stone

Now why am I here?


I am pretty sure it's not just to ask me one question that you asked me to come here today now Shadow. (In a playful tone)

So, what do you want?


Oh boy, first don't use that tone with me.

Second, no I didn't ask you to come here only for that obviously.

Dominic Stone

You see Mr. Stone / just call me Dominic

Fine then Dominic.

I called you here because I heard some rumours going around about you.

Dominic Stone

Rumours?! Huh! They are a lot of those going around, yeah. So, what about those?

You called me only for that?! What do you want really?


Well, I'm interested in one of those rumours in particular, Dominic. (Accent on his name)

Dominic Stone

Ok well which one?

And why are you so interested in me all the sudden? Huh?


Well, you see, I'm interested in the one about you murdering a whole family.

Does that ring any bells?

Dominic Stone

What? I don't think so.

What are you on about?

And who told you that shit?


You don't think so? You can do better then that, Dominic. (Accent on his name)

And as for where I get my information, I'd say that's confidential.

But just know that I have eyes and ears everywhere.

Dominic Stone

What are you trying to say there?


Well, that may help you jog your memory.

(Toss him pictures of the families and their corpses)

The Johnson family was what you call collateral damage, but I call that just pure brutality.

Dominic Stone


Where did you get these?


That's what you are focusing on?!


Dominic Stone

Well, if these get out, that could be bad for business. So, yes!

Now, where did you get these and don't make me ask again?


HAHAHA I can't believe this.

You don't feel bad even a little bit, don't you?

Dominic Stone

Oh, I'm sorry, should I?

Now, where the hell did you get these? (Slowly approaching shadow)


You know that family was actually really sweet.

Good citizens with no depths and a clear record.

Sadly for them, they had no idea what was going on in their neighbor hood.

Well for the better or the worst if you ask me.

But then, you show up in their neighbor's house and you fucking burned the whole bloc down.

And that my dear Dominic (Accent on his name), makes you an asshole and a murderer.

And one of the things I hate most in this world are murderer of innocent people.

Dominic Stone

And why are you gonna do? Huh? Kill me?


Oh no, of course not!

I will not be better than you if I killed you.

C'mon now, I will do far much worse...

(They step a little bit into the light that the moon makes in the room)

Dominic shivers by seeing them step out of the shadow.

I am going to give you a taste of your own medicine.

You see, I already call 911 for help, so don't worry you won't die.

At least, not tonight and not by my hand.

But you will burn, just like they did.

The rest will depend on how fast the emergency services are.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say here is...

Goodbye Mr. Stone and may we never see each other again.

For your sake of course!

(With that they take out some matches and light one)

(They throw it on the ground where a circle of gas was previously formed)

(They get out of the building without problems and went back from where they came from)

Inside the building, things were getting hot for Mr. Stone, but luckily for him, the firefighter arrived not more then 5 minutes later and were putting the fire out. Of course, Mr. Stone breathed a lot of smoke and had really bad burns, but he was still alive. Sadly for him, he got arrested that night by the police for everything he's done over the years and will go to a federal prison some time soon probably. But he was still alive... for now at least.

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