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In the Chief's office

Chef Raymond Donovan

What do you want Bennett?

Detective Alexia Bennett

I want to go undercover sir.

I want to find them.

Chef Raymond Donovan

Sorry Detective, but no.

Detective Alexia Bennett

What?! Why?

Chef Raymond Donovan

Because we already have someone undercover.

Detective Alexia Bennett

(Scoff) Who?!

Chef Raymond Donovan

Maria Bennett.

Detective Alexia Bennett

No. (angrily)

Chef Raymond Donovan

Yes, I'm sorry.

You know she is one of our best.

It was either her or you and she volunteer before I could even ask.

I guess she knew I was gonna ask you before her.

Detective Alexia Bennett

You should've told me for fuck's sake.

You know damm well who she is to me. (angrily) She's my little sister Raymond!

Chef Raymond Donovan

I know.

I'm sorry Alexia, she insisted.

You know how she is. (Chuckles nervously)

Detective Alexia Bennett

(Sigh) Right.

(With a defeated look she sits down on one of the chairs in front of the chief)

Why did you approve?

Chef Raymond Donovan

That's the thing, I didn't.

She went to my bosses because she knew I wouldn't approve the demand.

I'm sorry Alexia, but I can't do anything. (Sigh and sits down too)

Detective Alexia Bennett

Wh... why would she... why would she do that?

I don't understand.

Chef Raymond Donovan

You know why...

Detective Alexia Bennett

No, I fucking don't!

Chef Raymond Donovan

Woah! Calm down Alexia!

Detective Alexia Bennett

Don't tell me what to do, you're not my dad! (Shouts angrily)

Chef Raymond Donovan

(Disappointed) I know...

Detective Alexia Bennett

(Calming down and sorry for what she just said) Raymond... I'm sorry...

Chef Raymond Donovan

No, don't be you're right.

Detective Alexia Bennett


Chef Raymond Donovan

It's ok.

As for your sister, I'm pretty sure she did all of that to protect you.

(Stops her before she can speak) I know, I know, it's ok. (Gets her and goes to give her a hug)

Detective Alexia Bennett

(Sobbing a little bit)

(A tear can be seen leaving her eye)

I can't lose her... I can't lose her...

She's all I have left!

Chef Raymond Donovan

I know... I know Alex.

I will do everything in my power to make sure she will be ok.

I promise... I promise.

There she was Alexia Bennett crying in the man arms that as always been a father figure to her.

She stated in the chef's office for quite a while and her partner Oliver Harper kept trying to see if his partner was alright in there. But he couldn't see anything since the blinds were down, so he just waited patiently at his desk for his partner to get out of the Chef's office.

Sadly for him, as soon as Alexia got out of the chef's office, she rushes out of the building.

Detective Oliver Harper

(Tries to catch up to her) Alexia, wait!


Detective Alexia Bennett

Leave me alone Oli! (Runs away)

He lets her run away, because she probably needs some time from the look on her face. Maybe she will come to him when she will be ready. 

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