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In Alexia's appartement

Detective Alexia Bennett

(Groans as she wakes up) My head, ouch!

(She sits up, a little to fast for her body) Oh no no no no no!

(She out of her bed and rushes to the bathroom where she throws up in the toilet)

Argg, I hate that, why did I drink so much. (Groans)

I swear I'm never drinking again huh!

(Once she cleaned herself and was sure she wasn't going to throw up, she made her way back in her room. She strips down her dirty clothes of yesterday because she clearly needed to change to go to work)

Omg, I have to go to work! My alarms didn't wake me up.

Shit, shit shit! What time is it? Almost 11 AM, I'm really late that's for sure.

Where is my phone god damm it? (She searches for it until she spots it on the table beside her bed)

Ah, there it is! (She sees that she has a lot of notification, from both last night and this morning)

I will look at them later, I have to get ready right now.

(She dresses up, brushes her hair and put them up, she even put a little bit of makeup, so she doesn't look to dead. After that, she goes downstairs to grab some coffee and maybe something to eat.)

(As she approaches the kitchen counter, she sees a paper on it)

What is that? (She takes it and reads the message written on it)


Good morning love!

I hope you are feeling okay this morning considering how much you drank last night!

You can just turn the power on the coffee machine I put everything in, so you wouldn't have to. Not far from this note, there should be a glass of water and some medicine for your headache, please take it and drink all the water. It will make you feel better!

Oh, there is a bowl already made for you in your fridge, so you can eat breakfast. I went and picked that up for you, I hope you will like it!

Feel better and have a great day!

Love, Eleanor.


(As she finishes read the note, she went to start the coffee machine and checked in the fridge)

Aww, what did I do to deserve this woman honestly!

(She starts to eat the breakfast that Eleanor picked up for her, waiting for her coffee to be ready)

This is actually really good; I will send her a quick text to thank her for everything!


Good morning!

Thank you for everything you did last night, I really appreciate it!

Oh, and btw the breakfast you picked up is delicious, really!

Have a good day too!


Once her coffee is finish, she grabs her things and hurries to work. Like literally sprinting to work!

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