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They both enter the coffee shop.

They both order coffee which Alexia pays for and they when to sit down to a table in this cute coffee shop.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Wow, this place is amazing!

Eleanor Kensington

Yeah, I know!

I come here almost every morning!

Detective Alexia Bennett

Well, this is a great spot really you are lucky.

Eleanor Kensington

I know and I though you may like it.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Yeah... (Nervous)

I'm Alexia by the way, sorry I completely forgot to present myself.

Eleanor Kensington

Oh, right yes sorry, I forgot too. (Chuckles)

I'm Eleanor.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Nice to meet you, Eleanor! (Get her hand out for Eleanor to shake it)

Eleanor Kensington

(Shakes Alexia hand) It's a pleasure to meet you too Alexia!

Detective Alexia Bennett

(The way she said her name with her accent made her shivered and even more nervous, if that can even be possible)

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't even ask you if you were in a hurry or where you were going before I... you know (Chuckles nervously)

Eleanor Kensington

Before you bumped into me and made me dropped everything?! (Laughs a little bit)

Detective Alexia Bennett

Yes. (Embarrassed)

Eleanor Kensington

Don't be embarrassed love, everything is ok.

But I was just taking a walk, I don't have to work today so I decided to go take a walk and I ended up in that park with you bumping into me. So, no I am not in a hurry.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Great then! (Chuckles)

Eleanor Kensington

(Chuckles too) I guess I will return the question.

Were you on a hurry or lost perhaps, because it's seemed like both.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Both, I guess haha.

Eleanor Kensington

You guess haha?!

C'mon please tell me I got time and people say I'm a pretty good listener and sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger.

What do you got to lose anyway?

And what ever you say it's between you and me, I promise.

So, what do you say?

Detective Alexia Bennett

Well, I guess talking to someone wouldn't to arm would it (Chuckles)

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