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Alexia Bennett ran to the closest park she could find without stopping.

Detective Alexia Bennett

(She looks around and realises she has no idea where she is)

(She tries to ask some people in the park, without any success)

Hi, I'm sorry to bother you...


Hi, could you... Guess not.

Sorry, could you...

(She turns around quickly basically in a circle and suddenly bumps into someone)

(The person drops their coffee and phone on the ground)

Omg! I'm so sorry!

(Grabs the phone on the ground and give it to them)

Eleanor Kensington

Oh, don't be, it's alright! (She says in a distinctive English accent)

They got my order wrong anyway. (Laughs a little bit)

I was going to give it to someone anyway.

And now I guess the ground is the lucky person.

(They both laugh)

Detective Alexia Bennett (Gets nervous just by seeing her)

Still, I'm sorry. / Eleanor Kensington

It's alright love, everything's good.

Are you sure you are, ok? / Yes, don't worry about it.

Great then I guess!

Eleanor Kensington

Yes great!

(They both stand there awkwardly in silence)

Detective Alexia Bennett

(Takes a deep breath) So...umm... maybe I could buy you another cup of coffee for forgiveness?

Eleanor Kensington

All is forgiven already darling, you don't have to do this, really.

Detective Alexia Bennett


For my conscience?

Eleanor Kensington

Alright alright!

If it's for your conscience!

Plus, a cup of coffee sounds nice!

Detective Alexia Bennett

Yes, great!

Umm... but you have to get us to a coffee shop, because I have no idea where we are. (Chuckles)

Eleanor Kensington


Alright, right this way love.

(On that they both started walking to the nearest coffee shop)

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