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Alexia woke up first way too early and she was confused about a lot of things. But most of all, how did she get in Eleanor's arms.

Detective Alexia Bennett

(Whispering) Mmm, that's nice.

(After a while she tries to get up but without success)

(She is «trap» in Eleanor's arms for better or for worse)

(All she knows is that she is not mad about the situation she's in and eventually fell back asleep)

It took about 45 minutes before Eleanor wakes up and realize the situation, she is in.

Eleanor Kensington

(Whispering so she does wake Alexia up)

Oh, good god, what did I get my self into.

(With that she just stares at the celling, waiting for Alexia to wake up which didn't take that long, like 15 minutes)

Well good morning love, even if it's not the morning! (She says with a calm voice and yet raspy)

Detective Alexia Bennett

Good morning! (She laughs and gets up, out of Eleanor's arms and felt cold all the sudden)

What time is it? (She says as she's pacing through the living room, searching for her phone)

Eleanor Kensington

To be honest love, I have no idea, but I would like to know as well.

You know since I must go to work and grab a few things, since I was here all day...

Detective Alexia Bennett

Yeah, right. (She said that with a sad tone, which Eleanor picked up)

I have to continue working on my case too and go back to the office eventually to know what they have and compare notes. (She says before Eleanor could even say anything at her previous comment and says it with confidence)

Eleanor Kensington


It will be good for you to go back to the office, it's been a week now.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Yeah, a week.

Eleanor Kensington

Well, it will be good for you...

Detective Alexia Bennett

Yeah, I guess it will.

A little silence comes between the pair, but Eleanor breaks it before it becomes too uncomfortable to bear.

Eleanor Kensington

So... what time is it?

Detective Alexia Bennett

Yeah right. (Takes her phone out of the pocket she previously put it in when she was talking with Eleanor)

It's 17h...

Eleanor Kensington

Right... then I should...

Detective Alexia Bennett

Yeah, yeah, for sure.

Eleanor Kensington

Yeah, I should go.

Detective Alexia Bennett


Eleanor Kensington

Well, goodbye...

Detective Alexia Bennett


Oh, wait did you want anything to eat before you leave, I'm sorry.

Eleanor Kensington

No, non, no.

It's ok, I'm ok, I'll grab a bagel at the office, it's fine.

But thank you though.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Yeah, no problem...

Now that I think about it, I don't really have anything anyway, so...

Eleanor Kensington

Right, yeah, we had a food delivery.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Yeah. (Laughs a little bit embarred)

Eleanor Kensington

Ok, well see you around.

And if there's anything, well you have my number so just call me.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Yeah, great I will! (A little bit too enthusiastic)

Eleanor Kensington

Right. (Laughs a little)

Well have a good day love, goodbye.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Yeah, you too, bye!

With that Eleanor made her way out of the building and went to her office.

They were both left with a feeling...

But it was not clear...

Could it be love?!

No, of course not they didn't know each other for that long, so it couldn't be.


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