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Eleanor finished her day at the office, she didn't really do anything beside building a case and while she was there, she gathered intel on the undercover police agent that was sent to find her. When she found her, she contacted her for a meeting toning. Let's just say she has so very important information to tell her...

James (Colleague)

Eleanor, wait! (He was almost running to get to her)

Eleanor Kensington

(She stops to let him catch up with her) James.

James (Colleague)

Oh! Thank God you stop! (He said trying to catch his breath)

You're going already?!

I thought we were hanging out tonight?!

Eleanor Kensington


I'm sorry James, I totally forgot and now I have something plan... (She looks like she feels bad, but she doesn't really. She needs to get out of the office to go to her meeting)

James (Colleague)

Ok, it's alright...

Just tell me, is it with your hot Detective?! (He was sad, but excited for his friends)

Eleanor Kensington

(Not a bad idea to say she has something with Alexia tonight, since he would leave her alone) Yes, exactly, I have a date toning!

James (Colleague)

Ouhh, you've been seeing a lot of her lately, you better make her yours soon!

I'm rooting for you guys!

Eleanor Kensington

Yeah maybe, will see, I guess.

James (Colleague)


Eleanor Kensington

Anyways, I have to go, I need to get ready.

James (Colleague)

Yes right, yes, please go ahead, don't let me stop you girl.

Eleanor Kensington

Bye James, see you!

James (Colleague)


And you better tell me everything tomorrow!

With that she leaves the office building and went close to the rendezvous location. All that so she can change her clothes put the dossier in the middle of the place and observe the undercover one reaction to the new information.

When she was satisfied with the reaction of the undercover Detective, she steps in.

Detective Maria Bennett

Shadow?! I'm here, where are you? (She continues to walk into the building and spot something on the ground not far from her, so she carefully got close to it. When she saw the dossier, she picked it up to look at it)

Omg! That's impossible!


Is it really Detective?! (She says coming closer to her but still in the shadows of the building)

Detective Maria Bennett

What do you mean?


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