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Back at the office

Detective Alexia Bennett

(As soon as she gets back to the office, she texted as promised Eleanor and thank her for the coffee and all)

(She ignores everyone and goes straight to her desk to gather some paperwork and her laptop)

(She passes Oliver without paying attention to him, but her partner, does leave her alone because he probably knows something is wrong)

Go away Oli, I don't want to talk.

So, leave me alone.

(Before going completely, she stops and turn to face Oli)

Oh, and tell the chief I'm going home.

I will work better from there right now.

(With that she went home to work on that case because she needs to change her mind from the discussion with the chief)

Detective Oliver Harper

(To himself) Well ok, that's weird.

I guess I have to go talk to the chief.

(With that he just goes to the chef's office but gets stop by Marcus)

Detective Marcus Jones

Where did she go?

We have to work on the case.

Detective Oliver Harper

She will Marcus, she will, don't worry.

We better leave her alone and let her do her thing.

Detective Marcus Jones

Yeah right.

She always gets to go home, that's ridiculous.

Detective Oliver Harper

Shut it Marcus, she closed 3 times the number of cases you closed this year.

So, give her a damm break, will you!

Detective Marcus Jones

Geez Harper, calm down!

Detective Oliver Harper

(Gives him a look and knocks on the chef's door)

(When he gets a yes to enter, he does)

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