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At the bar, the trio was drinking shots after shots, trying to drown away their memories of today.

Maybe it does seem that healthy and it's not, but in the moment everything seemed better.

Only after one hour and a half, they were all three of them drunk and barely capable of walking on a straight line. The bartender in charge refused to serve them anymore and only gave them water so they can sober up a little.


Ok guys, that's enough, let me call you a cab.

Detective Alexia Bennett

What?!! Nooo!!!

We are f-fine! (She said almost falling off the chair)


Do you want me to call someone for you then? (He asked calmly because he knows drunk people are going to pick a fight in no time if you aren't)

Detective Alexia Bennett

NO! I c-can do-o that my-myself!

Y-you guys are d-doing w-what?


Do you guys need a cab is what she's asking...

Detective Alexia Bennett

T-they understood t-that!

N-no need to c-correct m-me like t-that, mister I k-know all!


Ok. (He just goes and serve someone else)

Detective Maria Bennett

I-imma g-go home, I t-think.

Could y-you call m-me a cab?! P-pretty p-please!

Detective Alexia Bennett


Y-you, M-Marcus?

Detective Marcus Jones

S-same for m-me.

I will ta-take the c-cab!

Detective Alexia Bennett


L-let me c-call s-someone.

(She her phone out of her pocket and dial a specific number)

Eleanor Kensington

Hello love!

What can I do for you at this time?

Detective Alexia Bennett


H-how are y-you?

Eleanor Kensington

I see, you are drunk! (She laughs a little)

Detective Alexia Bennett

D-don't laugh at m-me, I'm n-not d-drunk!

Eleanor Kensington

Sure love, sure!

Do you need me to pick you up?

Detective Alexia Bennett

Y-yes, p-please!

Eleanor Kensington

Alright, share me your location and I will be there in 10.

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