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At Alexia's appartement it's already been a week since she rushed out of the office with her files

Detective Alexia Bennett

(Alexia is sit at her desk working on the case and ignoring her phone that is blowing up of notifications as much as she can)

Damm it, can't they leave me alone!

(Takes her phone and see that it's Oliver that have been texting her since she left. So, she reads a little and sends him a quick text back saying to leave her alone.)

(She puts her phone down after and continues to work.)

(After around 30 minutes she received another message from Oliver, but didn't answer)



Hi Alex, I know you don't want to talk, but do you have any new break trough?

Love you and see you soon, hopefully :)


(She just went back to her work after reeding it, not responding)

(Oliver leaves a voicemail that night)


Detective Oliver Harper

Hi Alex, I just want to know if everything is ok on your side and if you've progress on the case, because we really don't have anything on our side. Ok, that's about it. Please, give a sign of life soon, I worry about you. Ok, bye, take care!


(Alexia didn't even heard her phone, because she fell asleep on her desk about 20 minutes ago.)

(The truth is she didn't make any progress either and that she's been working without a break since she got home, so she got tired and fell asleep, her face in her work)

(When she woke up it was 7 PM, she slept 2 whole hours)

Detective Alexia Bennett

Mmm, what time is it? (Checks her phone and sees it's 7 PM)

Shit! (Gets up probably too fast because she got dizzy there for a second) Whoa!

(She searches for her phone that was right in front of her on her desk)

Once she found it, she checks if she has any messages and sees that Oliver left a voicemail. So, she listened to it and send him a quick text saying she didn't have anything and that she was ok. After she obviously goes back to work. It takes her no more then 30 minutes before she decides to go and grab something to eat. So, she does and once she is done eating, she, you guessed it, went back to work. Time flies and soon enough, it's midnight. When she realizes how late it was, she decided to go to bed and continue everything tomorrow.

Sadly for her, she will be woken up by her phone...

She checks it and wakes up immediately when she saw the name.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Eleanor?! It's been a week since we last talked.

What can she want at this time, it 2 AM for God sakes.

(She answers the call)


Eleanor Kensington

Hi! Could you come and pick me up I have no idea where I am?

Pretty please?

Detective Alexia Bennett

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