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As said Eleanor arrived at Alexia's place 10 minutes after.

Eleanor Kensington

(Knocks on the door which opens a few seconds later) Hi!

Detective Alexia Bennett

Hi! Come in! (Opens the door wider so Eleanor could get in with ease)

Eleanor Kensington

So... How was the rest of your day? (She seems timid right now, but it's just that she doesn't want to overstep just because they kissed earlier)

Detective Alexia Bennett

It was ok, I guess... (The exact same thing was going on in Alexia's head)

How was yours?

Eleanor Kensington

It was ok too...

Detective Alexia Bennett


They were both just looking at each other in silence.

Eleanor Kensington

Should we go to the living room?

Detective Alexia Bennett

Good idea!

They both went to the living room, where they sat basically at each end of the couch.

Eleanor Kensington

Can I ask you something?

Detective Alexia Bennett

Theoretically you just did... but yeah sure.

Eleanor Kensington

(Pretends to laugh at Alexia's joke which was not one, it was really just to mock her a little)

Right, well I was wondering what you thought of earlier. I mean could it happen again?

Detective Alexia Bennett

(Laughs a little because she was wondering the exact same thing)

I really am not opposed to it happening again...

At that instant, Eleanor got up from her end and came directly to kiss Alexia. She was craving her lips since she left Alexia's work earlier. Not much longer after they started kissing, well let's just say it became a hot make out session.

Detective Alexia Bennett

(How did she manage to talk, who knows but she did?) Stay...

Stay here... tonight... please...

Eleanor Kensington

With... pleasure... love...

After their full on make out session, they decided to put on a movie and obviously they were cuddling the whole time. Even after the movie ended, they didn't move from their position, they were too comfortable in each other arms. So, they just started to talk about everything and nothing just enjoying each other presence. They got up to go to the bed and obviously as soon as they were both in bed their bodies found each other like 2 magnets. They slept cuddling all night and even in the morning when their alarms went off, they didn't want to let go of each other. Eventually, they obviously did, they had to get ready for work and all.

Eleanor Kensington


Detective Alexia Bennett


Eleanor Kensington

I came directly here last night, so I don't have anything to wear today...

Detective Alexia Bennett

Oh, well come I will give you some clothes!

Eleanor Kensington

Thank you! (She follows Alexia going to the door of her closet with a pair of pants and a hoodie)

Detective Alexia Bennett

Is it ok? If not, I can totally find you something else.

Eleanor Kensington

Darling, this is perfect thank you! (She gives her a kiss)

Detective Alexia Bennett

Great! I will go make breakfast if you want to change or take a shower!

Eleanor Kensington

Great, I will see you in a few minutes!

Alexia went to the kitchen as said to prepare breakfast. Eleanor only changed in the clothes that Alexia gave her, but instead of going downstair directly after she starts to explore in detail Alexia's room. There were pictures of her and her family, but mostly pictures with her sister, Maria. After pocking around for a little while she decided to go downstairs.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Ah, there you are!

I hope you like pancakes because that's what I'm making!

Eleanor Kensington

Who doesn't like pancakes?

Detective Alexia Bennett

I honestly don't know. (Laughs a little)

Eleanor Kensington

What can I do to help?

Detective Alexia Bennett

Nothing really, I'm almost done actually!

Eleanor Kensington

Ok then. (She goes to Alexia, gives her a kiss on the cheek and wrapped her arms around her waist waiting for her to finish. She obviously notices Alexia blushing as she does that.)

After Alexia finished the pancakes, they sat down to eat them and talk a little bit more. Sadly, after a while it was time to go to the office for both.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Do you want a ride to the office?

Eleanor Kensington

Well, I'm ok to walk, but I will gladly accept a ride from you love.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Great, then get in!

They both got into the car, put some music on and made they're way to Eleanor's office.

Detective Alexia Bennett

Here we are!

Eleanor Kensington

Thank you love! (She gets closer to Alexia meaning she wants a kiss, which she had a few moments later)

Bye love, have a good day and text me once you make it to the office, please!

Detective Alexia Bennett

Thank you, you too! And I will I promise!

Alexia took off after that and when she arrived, as promised, she sends a quick text to Eleanor saying she arrived. After she head in without knowing what was waiting for her...

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