10. OUT

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They enter the bar.

James (Colleague)

Ok, first shots after beer.

Let's go!

Eleanor Kensington

I though we were going to take a beer, not shots.

James (Colleague)

C'mon now a few shots won't kill you, old lady.

Eleanor Kensington


Fine I will take a few shots with you.

James (Colleague)

YESS! I knew you would!

Now let's go!

(With that he takes her hand and makes them a path to the bar)

Hi! Yes, hi please can we have some shots, please?


Yes sure, how many do you want?

James (Colleague)

10 please!


Coming right up!

Eleanor Kensington

10?! You want to get me drunk!

James (Colleague)

That's only 5 each, to start the night!

Eleanor Kensington

Oh right, I'm sorry drinking 5 shots in less then 5 minutes is totally normal yeah.

(She say's in a sarcastic tone)

James (Colleague)

C'mon, live a little.

Eleanor Kensington

Do I have to remind you that with have to work tomorrow and that I don't feel rocking a hangover all day.

James (Colleague)

Pshh, that is not a relevant detail, ok.

Not right now.


Here are the 10 shots and I will refill them after you finish, if you guys want more, sounds good?

James (Colleague)

That is great, thank you!

Eleanor Kensington

Thank you. (Clearly not as happy as James is)

James (Colleague)

Ok, cheers!

Eleanor Kensington


(With that they both drank their shots way to fast for Eleanor's taste)

James (Colleague)

Ouhh yeah!

Eleanor Kensington

Oh god, I am going to be so hangover...

James (Colleague)

Second round!

Let's go!

Eleanor Kensington

Oh god!

Will you give me a glass of water please. (Asks the barman as he finishes to prepare the second round of shots)

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