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At the same time as Alexia goes to her office and went back home, Eleanor went back to her work too, even though she said she didn't have to go to work. But since that day, it's been a week since they really talked. All Eleanor knows is that Alexia has been working from home this past week and that's about it. Eleanor tries not to think about it too much and focus on work, her job here is financial consultant and even if she wants to deny it, she's good at it, really good at it.

Eleanor Kensington

(Entering the building) Hello Susan, how are you dear?

Secretary Susan

Hello Ms. Kensington, I'm good and how are you ma'am?

Eleanor Kensington

I'm good thank you dear!

Have a good day!

Oh, before I forget if you need anything call me, please.

Secretary Susan

Thank you, you too ma'am and I will!

Eleanor Kensington

(With that she went to her desk to work a little bit over some cases that needed to be close by the end of the week)

James (Colleague)

(Comes to Eleanor desk's) Well hello there! (Sits on her desk)

Where have you been? Why haven't seen you in a couple days?

Eleanor Kensington

Don't sit on my desk you bastard! (Taps his laps for him to up off her desk)

And I was busy, now I have work to do so...

James (Colleague)

Oh, no miss you don't get to brush me off like that.

Now, c'mon tell me.

Eleanor Kensington

There is absolutely nothing to tell.

So, leave me alone James. (Continues to work)

James (Colleague)

Who is she?

Eleanor Kensington

Who? (She doesn't even bother to look up)

James (Colleague)

C'mon, you disappeared on me for the past week, you never wanted or had time to hang out.

So, either you committed a crime, or it was some woman again.

So, I will repeat my question again. Who is she?

Eleanor Kensington

Ok I admit it...I committed a crime and I had to erase the proves. (Does say anything after)

James (Colleague)

Wait what?! What did you do?! (Shocked by is friend's answer)

Eleanor Kensington

(She does say anything and let the silence do is job)

James (Colleague)

Omg Eleanor what did you do?!! (He yells in the office)

Eleanor Kensington

Shush will you! (She whispers)

James (Colleague)

Sorry, sorry! (He whispers) Now, what the hell did you do?!

Eleanor Kensington

Calm down I'm joking; I didn't do anything. (She said it calmly in her normal voice as she looks to the files in front of her)

James (Colleague)

What are you crazy, I almost had a panic attack!

Don't do this again please.

Eleanor Kensington

Sorry not sorry mate. (Flashes him a smile)

(Continues to woks of her things)

James (Colleague)

I swear, you will be the death of me woman!

Eleanor Kensington

Stop that, no I won't.

James (Colleague)

Ok maybe not, but you know what I mean.

Eleanor Kensington

Yeah, yeah, I'm playing you dummy.

James (Colleague)

Umm, whatever. (Pretends to be mad at her)

Eleanor Kensington

C'mon James, I know you are not mad at me, so stop pretending.

James (Colleague)

Only if you tell who she is. (Lifts his eyebrow)

Eleanor Kensington

There is no she, not stop it.

James (Colleague)

I know there is so...

Either you tell me now or later after work over a beer since it's been forever.

Eleanor Kensington

Well, I couldn't say no to a beer can I now?!

James (Colleague)

No, not really.

Eleanor Kensington

Then we shall take a beer later after work then.

James (Colleague)

YES! (Yells a little bit to loud that it disturbed everyone around them)

Sorry, sorry, I'm really sorry, go back to work it's fine, I'm fine, yeah everything's good everybody. You may all go back to your occupations.

Eleanor Kensington

(She stops him before it gets to embarrassing)

Ok, it's alright stop now, really, it's embarrassing mate.

James (Colleague)

Yeah, I can feel that, yeah.

Eleanor Kensington

Ok, great. Now, go back to your desk and go work a little. Ok?

James (Colleague)

Yeah, I think that's a great idea.

Eleanor Kensington

Yeah, same mate same.

James (Colleague)

Ok, I will see you later.

Eleanor Kensington

Yeah, see you later!

(With that James went to his desk to get some work done)

At the end of the day, as promised Eleanor waited for James so they could go and take a beer as they said earlier.

Eleanor Kensington

So, you're ready?

James (Colleague)


Eleanor Kensington

Then let's go!

James (Colleague)

Here we go!

With that they both made their way to the nearest bar.

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